Performance Green Building Newsletter
News, Events, and Products Promoting Performance Green Building and Sustainability in South Florida
June 2006 - Vol 2, Issue 2
In This Month's issue:
Products & Links

Our Nation’s Biggest Security Threat?

Perhaps you’d like to ask some of your co-workers, family members or friends what they think is our nation’s biggest security threat is? Many might say terrorism. Others might say our dependence on foreign oil. I’m sure you’d get a few great answers. Our government, over population, maybe the national debt?

However, The number one threat to our nation’s security and survival, is Global Warming, so says our own Department of Defense.

This is old news. The report entitled “An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United States National Security, was published in October 2003. The first line states, “There is substantial evidence to indicate that significant global warming will occur during the 21st century.”

In many ways, the responsibility of helping our country survive is up to us. The people that build and design our cities and homes. By building Green, we help our country and our children to survive. Yes, survive! How about that for a twist? How’s that for a ‘bottom line’?

Building Green and Sustainable will help all of us to survive in the years to come. As what the rest of the country has been doing for some time, its now time for us to educate our clients that Green Building makes economic sense. And most importantly, Green Building must be adopted to help ensure our country’s survival.

Read the report: AbruptClimateChange2003.pdf

What does it take for South Florida to become Sustainable? A cataclysmic event? Will developers to have a group epiphany? Perhaps it will take municipalities to mandate Sustainable design and Green Building?

Congratulations to The City of Coconut Creek, because they are the first to mandate Green Building. Their MainStreet project is requiring developers and planners to follow the LEED and Florida Green Building Coalition criteria for the design and development of the one square mile project. Back in 2002 the city realized, and understood what Sustainability meant to a community.

MainStreet will hopefully become a trend and benchmark for communities here and in communities across the country. What was know for the past two millennia and forgotten for the past 60 years, buildings and communities are a product of what best suits the people that live in them. Not what makes the most money.

The Greeks and Romans built and designed cities and buildings that suited it’s citizens. People lived conveniently close to where they go to school, shop, play and work. That was Sustainable, and it was a requirement for survival. Perhaps Coconut Creek took ideologies from The Congress for the New Urbanism ? Or they adopted New Urbanism knowing that it would be of huge benefit to the community and the people.

Coconut Creek is building a downtown district from scratch, founded on the principles of Sustainability and New Urbanism.

The Alternative to CMU !

The following description only touches on the multitude of advantages of constructing your building in whole or in part from this material. Thanks to its many excellent properties, AAC is equally suitable for residential, multi-story, commercial and industrial buildings. For nearly 80 years, AAC has proved its superior quality in all areas of building construction and in virtually all climatic conditions throughout the world.

The raw materials - quartzite sand, lime and water - can be found in almost unlimited quantities throughout the world. These raw materials are then processed to provide a building material with a large number of air pores - aerated concrete. And it is precisely these pores in addition to the solid structure of calcium silicate hydrates which give AAC its exceptional product properties: • high compressive strength • excellent thermal insulation • creates and energy efficient envelope • low material weight • ease of workability and handling • universal applications • non-allergenic • highly resistant to mold, insects and moisture intrusion • superior impact penetration • superior wind load strength - making structures disaster resistant • environmentally friendly

Absolutely no pollutants or hazardous wastes are generated in the process and there is no waste of precious raw materials. AAC can be recycled into other useful products. Even the production method conserves energy since steam curing is carried out at high pressures and thermal energy is recovered and reused for maximum efficiency. Production trimmings can also be fully recycled.

The basic construction units are blocks measuring 10” high by 24” long, in thicknesses of 4”, 8” and 10”. There are reinforced and unreinforced panels for walls, roofs and floors. A 10”-thick block weighs less than a much smaller standard concrete block with voids—about 46 pounds. The blocks are much easier to lay and are laid in thin-set mortar that is applied with a toothed trowel. The joints are only 1/16” which make for a much better looking unfinished wall.

It was discovered in 1914 in Sweden that adding aluminum powder to cement, lime, water, and finely ground sand caused the mixture to expand dramatically. The Swedes allowed this “foamed” concrete to harden in a mold, and then they cured it in a pressurized steam chamber—an autoclave.

Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC, also called autoclaved cellular concrete—ACC) is produced by about 200 plants in 35 countries and is used extensively in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. At a density of roughly one-fifth that of conventional concrete and a compressive strength of about one-tenth, AAC is used in load-bearing walls in low-rise buildings. In high-rises, AAC is used as infill, cladding, mechanical rooms, all types of shafts, partition and curtain walls. It insulates much better than concrete and has superior sound absorbing characteristics.

AAC has significant environmental advantages over conventional construction materials. AAC has a much larger R- value, higher STC, vastly higher fire rating. It’s lighter so less concrete is need for foundation and floor pads. AAC an ideal material for to create a healthy indoor air quality. AAC is being used extensively across Europe, Asia and the Pacific for the past few decades. It is just now making it’s way to Florida. AAC is manufactured in Central Florida and now being used extensively throughout Northern and Central Florida. Because of South Florida’s ‘entrenchment’ and fear of change AAC is slow to be use here. But that’s soon to change with the wave of Green Building that is slowly growing.
Announcing the formation of a new alliance to create a Green Building, LEED commissioning Consulting Firm. Brian Dugas and I have joined with Rob Hink, LEED AP to consult developers, architects and cities and to guide projects through LEED certification.

Through our years of experience and multitude of relationships, we’ve formed a team of Green experts to consult at every level of Green Building and Sustainable Design.

The Spinnaker Group is comprised of experts in: • LEED Certification and Commissioning • Sustainable Design • Sustainable Interior Design • Solar Electric Design/Build • Product Experts • Sustainable Landscape Architecture

I am available to visit with you anytime to discuss how The Spinnaker Group or Eco-Smart can help you build Green.

Come to us in any stage of design, with Conceptual being the optimal time to open the dialogue.

It is our hope that you'll think of us for both for Consulting work and Green Performance Building Products.

Thank you for your time,

Gary Shlifer
Regional Representative - Green Consultant


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