Eco-Sun HVAC Systems

“Tomorrow’s technology available today”

Your single largest investment is very likely some kind of real estate. Whether it is your home or business, you are diligent in selecting features that reflect your desires for health, beauty, comfort, and security. These decisions improve the value of your investment while providing a high standard of living, now and in the future.

Eco-Sun HVAC System is a full line of HVAC equipment with the highest level of performance and quality. The Eco-Sunsystem is based on a simple concept – each piece of equipment within the system is chosen to meet each building’s specific cooling and heating demands.

We don’t offer multiple models as large manufacturers do. Instead, we offer a single extremely innovative system, configured in specific capacity steps. With our variable and flexible equipment design we can address the requirements of almost every building much more effectively and with far greater efficiency than standard equipment from other manufactures. Our focus is on efficiency, quality, performance, and satisfaction.

The Eco-Sun HVAC Unit

How are these systems better?

Highest quality, indoor air quality and comfort level, with no compromises!

One basic design for all applications.

  • All Eco-Sunproducts are extremely flexible and adjustable due to their variable airflow and cooling capacity.
  • Every unit is a heat pump, combining heating and cooling without any supplemental electric heat.
  • Efficient and reliable operation down to 0°F ambient (optional -10°F ambient available).
  • The highest SEER rating is 24 throughout the entire product line.
  • The digital control system (compare to those found in large commercial equipment) allows for instantaneous capacity control and diagnostics, not available in typical U.S. units.
  • The control system features a graphic display to inform and detect for diagnostics and for fine tuning adjustment, and has remote connectivity.
  • All components are selected to provide maximum efficiency and to protect the integrity of the refrigeration cycle.
  • The cabinet is heavy gauge powder coated aluminum or stainless steel.
  • Integrated air quality products included, no installation needed on job site.

What about the price?

The Eco-Sun HVAC is not the least expensive HVAC system available. Because of Its higher quality, highly efficient components and the sophisticated controls required to provide its advanced operational features, the initial cost is higher. But saving money upfront may prove to be a false economy in the long run. Higher operating costs and the unforeseen costs to fix a problem that cheap units cannot solve will far out-weight any initial cost savings. Buy long-lasting quality once and enjoy the security and comfort that buying the best provides.

What about service?

While our systems use only commonly available components, it is of paramount importance that only a qualified factory trained technician install and work on these units. To reduce maintenance time the intelligent graphic display offers advanced diagnostics and can be accessed remotely.

What about warranty?

Many of our competitors sell inferior products with an unrealistic warranty to entice customers into a false sense of security about their purchase. We stand behind our products with a no-nonsense approach based on your needs and work to develop an ongoing relationship.

What are the applications for these products?

Where ever superior efficiency, performance and quality matters!

  • Custom homes
  • Restaurants, hotels and resorts
  • Small and medium sized commercial and retail buildings
  • Condos, apartments and other multi-family buildings
  • Special applications may require custom units and will be made available as needed.

The Eco-Sun HVAC Systems -- Outdoor Units

Eco-SunOutdoor Unit

The Eco-Sunoutdoor units are the heart of every system and are packed with modern and innovative technology. They are extremely energy efficient and loaded with standard features you will not find in other systems from competitors.

Every outdoor unit is always a heat pump, providing efficient heating operation as well as cooling. If the unit is installed In colder areas , where the average winter low temperature can drop below 0°F , a 2-stage option is available which offers efficient heating down to -10°F.

The Eco-Sunproduct line contains a family of five basic units, 3 , 4 , 5 , 7.5 and 10 Ton max capacity . If a building needs a specific capacity between those listed, the next higher capacity model can be modified to reduce its capacity. We can satisfy any capacity between 1 ton and 10 ton maximum.

The refrigeration circuit uses refrigerant R -410A, with zero ozone depleting potential. All models use a reliable variable speed scroll compressor with extremely low sound and vibration levels. All units provide variable speed and variable capacity operation between 20% and 100% of max capacity. Variable capacity limits on/off cycles , providing not only more efficient operation, but constant indoor temperature, better ventilation and filtration and more effective dehumidification than standard HVAC equipment.

The internal microprocessor controller (PLC) has an LCD display for easy operation and start-up, maintenance and service.

The uncluttered and well organized control panel cabinet is equipped with technologically advanced safety features, high quality construction, innovative and future-oriented technologies to maximizes comfort level, efficiency and reliability, and is readily expandable to accommodate future enhancements. The PLC offers full protection and control of the refrigerant and electric circuit, reduces the risk of faults, and provides consistent and reliable operation and performance.

The cabinet is made of powder-coated, heavy-gauge aluminum or stainless steel, not the cheap galvanized steel seen on other units. The cabinet’s unique service oriented design allows easy access to all parts and makes it possible to service the unit without a system shut-down. The oversized heat exchanger coils with variable speed condenser fans are quiet, ensuring maximum sound comfort. The coils are coated to prevent corrosion damage due to salt spray.

Outdoor units are available with a choice of options:

  • Dehumidification mode using hot gas reheat with controlled supply-air temperature.
  • Hot water pack for domestic hot water heat recovery (the heat pump can heats internal storage tank).
  • Outside Air feature with integrated control functions.
  • Low temperature heat pump for efficient operation down to -20°F ambient temperature.
  • Remote Wi-Fi access for quick service analysis, adjustability and maintenance.
  • Custom Colors.

5 Basic Eco-SunUnits

5 Basic Eco-SunUnits


Specification Chart
Eco-Sun HVAC Systems - How It Works