$dnum = date(Ymd)*4; $from=$_POST['fr']; if($from==""){ $from=$_GET['fr']; } if($from!=$dnum){ echo("Unauthorized."); exit(); } $usrn = $_GET['usrn']; if($usrn == ""){ $usrn = $_POST['usrn']; } if($usrn == ""){ echo("
Cannot continue. No Representative.
"); exit(); } $usr=$_POST['usr']; $today = date(m)."-".date(d)."-".date(Y); $taxon=$_POST['taxon']; $taxit=$_POST['taxit']; $taxout=$taxit*100; $taxtotal=$_POST['taxtotal']; $shiptotal=$_POST['shiptotal']; $subtotal=$_POST['subtotal']; $fulltotal=$_POST['fulltotal']; $alltotal=$_POST['alltotal']; $QID = $_POST['QID']; $howshown = $_POST['howshown']; $print=$_POST['print']; $invoiceover=$_POST['invoiceover']; if($print == "yes" or $invoiceover=="yes"){ $goprint = "onLoad='javascript:printWindow()'"; }else{ $goprint = ""; } ?>" . " | " . " | " . " | "); } ?>
![]() |
Eco-$mart, Inc.
Bill To: | Ship To: |
//display contact bill to
if($first_Name != "" and $howshown !="compalone"){
echo ("$first_Name ");
if($Name != "" and $howshown !="compalone"){
echo("$Name "); } if($Company != ""){ echo("$Company "); } echo("$Address $City, $State $ZipCode" . " $Phone $con_email"); ?> |
echo("$shipName "); } if($shipCompany!=""){ echo("$shipCompany "); } echo("$shipAddress $shipCity, $shipState $shipZipCode $shipPhone"); ?> |
QTY | Item | Description | Price Per | Ship Per | Unit | Amount |
All prices subject to change without notice. Quote Subject to Approval by Eco-\$mart Order Processing." . " | Subtotal Page $a: \$$subby |
©2010 " . "Eco-\$mart, Inc. |
" .
"![]() 4411 Bee Ridge Road #344," . " Sarasota, FL 34233" . " PH. 888-329-2705" . " FX: 941-377-9460" . " www.eco-smart.com" . " | |||
" . "Quote for: $Company | Eco-\$mart Representative: $usrn | Quote $QID - Page $a | $today |
QTY" . " | Item" . " | Description" . " | Price Per" . " | Ship Per" . " | Unit" . " | Amount" . " |
$qtys[$i] | " . "$items[$i] | " . "$descriptions[$i] | " . "\$$prices[$i] | " . "\$$shipprices[$i] | " . "$units[$i] | "); if($units[$i]!="EA" OR $units[$i]!="CS" OR $units[$i]!="GL"){ $mount = ($prices[$i]*$qtys[$i])+$shipprices[$i]; $ptotal[]=$prices[$i]*$qtys[$i]; $stotal[]=$shipprices[$i]; }else{ $mount = ($prices[$i]+$shipprices[$i])*$qtys[$i]; $ptotal[]=$prices[$i]*$qtys[$i]; $stotal[]=$shipprices[$i]*$qtys[$i]; }//units are not counted for shipping...eg carpet at SF $amounts[]=$mount; $mont=sprintf("%01.2f", $mount); echo("\$$mont |
Approved by:![]() |
Title:![]() |
Date:![]() |
Credit Card Info:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Subject to final approval by Eco-$mart Corporate Order Processing. |
©2010 Eco-$mart, Inc. | Eco-$mart Quote printed at www.eco-smart.com |