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" . "
" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "
"); } ?>

Eco-$mart, Inc.
4411 Bee Ridge Road #344
Sarasota, FL 34233
PH. 888-329-2705
FX: 941-377-9460

Invoice"); }else{ echo("Quote"); } ?>
Date Quote #
$usrnemail"); } ?>
Bill To: Ship To:
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TermsDue DateProject
QTY Item Description Price Per Ship Per Unit Amount
". "" . "
All prices subject to change without notice. Quote Subject to Approval by Eco-\$mart Order Processing." . "Subtotal Page $a: \$$subby
©2010 " . "Eco-\$mart, Inc.
" . "
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" . "" . "Eco-\$mart, Inc." . "
4411 Bee Ridge Road #344," . " Sarasota, FL 34233" . "  PH. 888-329-2705" . "  FX: 941-377-9460" . "" . "
" . "Quote for: $CompanyEco-\$mart Representative: $usrnQuote $QID - Page $a$today
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QTY" . "Item" . "Description" . "Price Per" . "Ship Per" . "Unit" . "Amount" . "

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" . "Sales Tax: $taxout%" . "\$$taxtotal
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