Eco-$mart Quotes Help |
A Quote must be started from a Contact Page. Contact information must be as complete as possible to create a good printable quote. A Quote is automatically started when you first open the Quote Mark-up Page. It will remain in whatever state you leave it as long as it is in your Quote List.
Delete a quote in two ways:
Certain fields are essential and a Quote cannot be produced without them. The Print Quote option will not become available while input fields remain yellow.
Others are for your own use and, if left blank, will not appear on the Printed Quote.
Ship To Address: Check Same as Bill To: or enter a different Ship To: address in the fields provided. IMPORTANT: A Ship To Zipcode is essential for shipping calculation. Terms of Sale: Select from the drop down list. Optional Fields: P.O.Number, Due Date, and Project are for your use in identifying and using the Quote. If they are left blank, they will not be shown on the quote.
Any of this information can be added or edited together or individually throughout the Quote Mark-up Process.
You can add products to the Quote in two ways.
A quantity must be entered, or the product will not be added. Select a product from the list, enter the quantity to add to the Quote. Click ADD PRODUCTS. The new products will appear in the Edit Products in Quote display. |
After a product has been added to the Quote, you can change the quantity, and *enter or change shipping costs at any time. You can also Delete the product from the quote. Check the red box to delete the product.
Check the green box to edit the product.
QTY: Change the quantity by checking the green checkbox. Then enter the new quantity for the product.
*Ship Per: (shipping cost per unit)
Manually input shipping cost for a product by checking the green Edit box for the product. Input the shipping cost.
Any of this information can be added or edited together or individually throughout the Quote Mark-up Process.
When all necessary information is complete on the Quote Mark-up Page, the option to print the Quote becomes available.
Click PRINT to finalize and print the quote.
At the bottom of the Quote Mark-up Page, you will find a group of options.
DUPLICATE: Select a different contact and click DUPLICATE. The product list will be added to a new quote with the new contact information. Shipping will need to be set for the new shipping address. Go to the Eco-$mart Catalog section: Select a section of the catalog to browse. You can use your browser back button to return to the Quote, or log in to your Representative Page to return to the Quote later. |
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