"); }else{ while($row=mysql_fetch_array($getprods)){ $pIDs[]=$row['ID']; }//while fetching product IDs foreach($pIDs as $value){ $pout=mysql_query("DELETE FROM q_products WHERE ID='$value' LIMIT 1"); if(!$pout){ echo("Could not delete Product ID $value. Error: ".mysql_error()."
"); } }//4each product ID $popto=mysql_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE q_products"); if(!$popto){ echo("Could not optimize Quote Products. Error: ".mysql_error()."
"); }else{ $gocount=$gocount+1; }//table optimized }//gotproducts $getnotes=mysql_query("SELECT ID FROM q_notes WHERE QID='$QID'"); if(!$getnotes){ echo("Could not verify Quote Notes. Error: ".mysql_error()."
"); }else{ while($row=mysql_fetch_array($getnotes)){ $nIDs[]= $row[0]; }//while getting notes foreach($nIDs as $value){ $nout=mysql_query("DELETE FROM q_notes WHERE ID='$value' LIMIT 1"); if(!$nout){ echo("Could not delete Note ID $value. Error: ".mysql_error()."
"); } }//4each note $popto=mysql_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE q_notes"); if(!$popto){ echo("Could not optimize Quote Notes. Error: ".mysql_error()."
"); }else{ $gocount=$gocount+1; }//table optimized }/////got notes $outship=mysql_query("DELETE FROM q_ship WHERE QID='$QID' LIMIT 1"); if(!$outship){ echo("Could not delete Ship To Record. Error: ".mysql_error()."
"); }else{ $popto=mysql_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE q_ship"); if(!$popto){ echo("Could not optimize Quote Notes. Error: ".mysql_error()."
"); }else{ $gocount=$gocount+1; }//table optimized }//outed ship $outit=mysql_query("DELETE FROM quotes WHERE ID='$QID' and usrn='$usrn' LIMIT 1"); if(!$outit){ echo("Could not delete quote. Error: ".mysql_error()."
"); }else{ $gocount=$gocount+1; } if($gocount>3){ header("Location: $relocate"); } ?>