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"); } $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($listem); if($num_rows == 0 or $num_rows == ""){ echo(""); }else{ while($row = @mysql_fetch_array($listem)){ $ID = $row['ID']; $subject = $row['subject']; $filename = $row['filename']; $filecheck = explode('.',$filename); $filetype = $filecheck[1]; $filesize = $row['filesize']; $date_rec = $row['date_rec']; $chunk_dt = chunk_split($date_rec, 2, ':'); $chunk_arrt = explode(":", $chunk_dt); $recorded = $chunk_arrt[2].'/'.$chunk_arrt[3].'/'.$chunk_arrt[0].$chunk_arrt[1]; echo("" . "" . ""); } } ?>
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" . "$subjectRecording Date: $recordedFile Info: $filetype - $filesize MB 
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