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"); exit(); } $usrn = $_GET['usrn']; if($usrn == ""){ $usrn = $_POST['usrn']; } if($usrn == ""){ echo("

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Problem with your username. Please Log In again.

"); exit(); } $dbcnx = @mysql_connect('mysql.plainhost.com', 'ecosmar_ecosmart', 'ecoman1'); mysql_select_db('ecosmar_website', $dbcnx); $ok = @mysql_query("SELECT pswcal FROM psw WHERE usrn='$usrn'"); if (!$ok) { echo 'Could not check access! ' . mysql_error(); exit; }else{ $rowa = mysql_fetch_array($ok); $pswcal = $rowa[0]; if($pswcal != 'All'){ echo("

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"); exit(); } } $list = @mysql_query("SELECT first_name,last_name FROM psw ORDER BY last_name"); if(!$list){ echo "Could not get Rep List" . mysql_error(); }else{ while($row = mysql_fetch_array($list)){ $replist[] = $row[0]." ".$row[1]; } } ?>
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"; }else{ $count = mysql_num_rows($task); if($count < 1){ echo("  -- No Projects"); }else{ echo("  -- $count Projects"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($task)){ $ProjID = $row['ID']; $Project_Name = $row['Project_Name']; $tusrn = $row['usrn']; $CID = $row['CID']; $contact = $row['contact']; $product = $row['product']; $prod_break = nl2br($product); $action = $row['action']; $note = $row['note']; $not = substr($note, 0, 100); ; $status = $row['status']; $due = $row['due']; $chunk_due = chunk_split($due, 2, ':'); $chunk_arrd = explode(":", $chunk_due); $duem = $chunk_arrd[2].'/'.$chunk_arrd[3].'/'.$chunk_arrd[0].$chunk_arrd[1]; $dtnum = $row['dtnum']; $chunk_dtnum = chunk_split($dtnum, 2, ':'); $chunk_arrt = explode(":", $chunk_dtnum); $dtem = $chunk_arrt[2].'/'.$chunk_arrt[3].'/'.$chunk_arrt[0].$chunk_arrt[1]; echo("" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . ""); } } } echo("
$value"); $task = @mysql_query("SELECT ID,Project_Name,usrn,CID,contact,product,action,note,status,due,dtnum FROM task WHERE usrn='$value' AND status !='Closed' ORDER BY due"); if(!$task){ echo "
Could not get Calendar for $value" . mysql_error() . "
" . "$Project_NameOpened: $dtemDue: $duemStatus: $status
Products: $prod_breakContact: $contactNote: $not...
"); } ?>
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