"; $cmdt = 0; }else{ $comdot = ""; $cmdt = 1; } $dtnum = date(Ymd); //Dontknowdont $emailval = $_GET['emailval']; $emailsub = $_GET['emailsub']; $dbcnx = @mysql_connect('mysql.plainhost.com','ecosmar_ecosmart','ecoman1'); mysql_select_db('ecosmar_website', $dbcnx); $listem = @mysql_query("SELECT ID,first_name,last_name FROM psw ORDER BY last_name"); if (!$listem) { echo("Problem retrieving Rep List.
Error: ". mysql_error()); }else{ while($row = mysql_fetch_array($listem)){ $repID[] = $row['ID']; $repfirst_name[] = $row['first_name']; $replast_name[] = $row['last_name']; } } mysql_select_db('ecosmar_contacts', $dbcnx); $listemb = @mysql_query("SELECT ID,first_Name,Name FROM con_main WHERE usrn='$usrn' ORDER BY Name"); if (!$listemb) { echo("Problem retrieving Contact List.
Error: ". mysql_error()); }else{ while($rowb = mysql_fetch_array($listemb)){ $conID[] = $rowb['ID']; $confirst_name[] = $rowb['first_Name']; $conlast_name[] = $rowb['Name']; } } ?>
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Internal Memo to:
"); $i = 0; $repcount = count($repID); while($i < $repcount){ echo("$repfirst_name[$i] $replast_name[$i]
"); $i=$i+1; } ?>
Email to:  *** LIMIT 15 ***
"); $i = 0; $concount = count($conID); while($i < $concount){ echo("$confirst_name[$i] $conlast_name[$i]
"); $i=$i+1; } echo("--- Representatives ---
"); $i = 0; $repcount = count($repID); while($i < $repcount){ echo("$repfirst_name[$i] $replast_name[$i]
"); $i=$i+1; } ?>

Internal Messages are private unless sent through the public messaging system. Messages may be monitored by Eco-$mart Administration.
Email may be considered a permanent public document. There is no assurance that your email is completely confidential once it has left our system.

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