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" . mysql_error(); $color = "maroon"; }else{ $tellit[] = "Internal Message Sent to ".$mtou[$i]; $color = "green"; } $i = $i + 1; } } if($ecount == 1){ $recipient = $etoe[0]; $message = "ECO-\$MART, INC." . "\n" . "(888)329-2705 - www.eco-smart.com" . "\n" . "$thisdate" . "\n" . "-------------------------------" . "\n" . "FROM: $usrn" . "\n" . "$fremail" . "\n" . "-------------------------------" . "\n" . "TO: $etou[0]" . "\n" . "$etoe[0]" . "\n" . "-------------------------------" . "\n" . "\n" . "$content" . "\n" . "\n" . "$usrn" . "\n" . "Eco-\$mart Representative" . "\n" . "$phone" . "\n"; if(@mail($recipient, $subject, $message, "From: $usrn <$fremail>")){ $tellit2[] = "Email sent to " . $etou[0]; $color2 = "green"; }else{ $tellit2[] = "Error Sending Email to " . $etou[0]; $color2 = "maroon"; } }elseif($ecount > 1){ $i = 0; while($i < $ecount){ $recipient = $etoe[$i]; $message = "ECO-\$MART, INC." . "\n" . "(888)329-2705 - www.eco-smart.com" . "\n" . "$thisdate" . "\n" . "-------------------------------" . "\n" . "FROM: $usrn" . "\n" . "$fremail" . "\n" . "-------------------------------" . "\n" . "TO: $etou[$i]" . "\n" . "$etoe[$i]" . "\n" . "-------------------------------" . "\n" . "\n" . "$content" . "\n" . "\n" . "$usrn" . "\n" . "Eco-\$mart Representative" . "\n" . "$phone" . "\n"; if(@mail($recipient, $subject, $message, "From: $usrn <$fremail>")){ $tellit2[] = "Email sent to " . $etou[$i]; $color2 = "green"; }else{ $tellit2[] = "Error Sending Email to" . $etou[$i]; $color2 = "maroon"; } $i = $i + 1; } } ?>
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