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"); } $done = $_POST[done]; $act_up = $_POST['act_up']; $actstrip = stripslashes($act_up); $actstripe = str_replace ( "'", '’', $actstrip); $act_value = str_replace ( '"', '"', $actstripe); $dbcnx = @mysql_connect('', 'ecosmar_ecosmart', 'ecoman1'); ?>Action List | Project | All Projects |
Project Name: |
Action: |
mysql_select_db('ecosmar_friendly', $dbcnx);
if($act_up == ""){
echo("No New Action");
$into = @mysql_query("INSERT INTO task_action SET Project_Name='$Project_Name',PID='$ID',action='$act_value',status='New',usrn='$usrn',dtnum='$dtnum'");
echo(" Error Posting New Action. New Action Posted. "); } } $donecount = count($done); if($donecount < 1){ echo("No change to Action Status."); }else{ $i = 0; while($i < $donecount){ $up = @mysql_query("UPDATE task_action SET status='Done' WHERE ID='$done[$i]'"); if (!$up) { echo("Error Changing Action Status. $i Actions Updated. "); } ?> |
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