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Error: ". mysql_error()); } $listem = @mysql_query("SELECT ID,MID,fr_name,subject,message,dtnum FROM messages WHERE ID='$ID'"); if (!$listem) { echo("Problem retrieving Message.
Error: ". mysql_error()); exit(); }else{ $row = mysql_fetch_row($listem); $ID = $row[0]; $MID = $row[1]; $fr_name = $row[2]; $subject = $row[3]; $message = $row[4]; $input = nl2br($message); $input2 = stripslashes($input); $mdtnum = $row[5]; $chunk_dtnum = chunk_split($mdtnum, 2, ':'); $chunk_arr = explode(":", $chunk_dtnum); echo("" . "" . ""); } if($MID == 0){ $listemb = @mysql_query("SELECT fr_name,message,dtnum FROM messages WHERE MID='$ID' ORDER BY dtnum DESC"); if (!$listemb) { echo("Problem retrieving Data.
Error: ". mysql_error()); } $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($listemb); if($num_rows == 0 or $num_rows == ""){ echo(""); }else{ while($row = mysql_fetch_array($listemb)){ $from = $row[0]; $message2 = $row[1]; $input = nl2br($message2); $input2 = stripslashes($input); $mdtnum2 = $row[2]; $chunk_dtnum2 = chunk_split($mdtnum2, 2, ':'); $chunk_arr2 = explode(":", $chunk_dtnum2); echo(""); } } }else{ $origin = @mysql_query("SELECT fr_name,message,dtnum FROM messages WHERE ID='$MID'"); if (!$origin) { echo("Problem retrieving Original Message.
Error: ". mysql_error()); } $origrow = mysql_fetch_array($origin); $origfrom = $origrow[0]; $origmessage = $origrow[1]; $input = nl2br($origmessage); $input2 = stripslashes($input); $origdtnum = $origrow[2]; $chunk_dtnum2 = chunk_split($origdtnum, 2, ':'); $chunk_arr2 = explode(":", $chunk_dtnum2); echo(""); $prev = @mysql_query("SELECT fr_name,message,dtnum FROM messages WHERE MID='$MID' AND ID !='$ID' ORDER BY dtnum DESC"); if (!$prev) { echo("Problem retrieving Previous Messages.
Error: ". mysql_error()); } $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($prev); if($num_rows == 0 or $num_rows == ""){ echo(""); }else{ while($rowp = mysql_fetch_array($prev)){ $from = $rowp[0]; $message2 = $rowp[1]; $input = nl2br($message2); $input2 = stripslashes($input); $mdtnum2 = $rowp[2]; $chunk_dtnum2 = chunk_split($mdtnum2, 2, ':'); $chunk_arr2 = explode(":", $chunk_dtnum2); echo(""); } } } ?>
" . "Message from: $fr_name on $chunk_arr[2]/$chunk_arr[3]/$chunk_arr[0]$chunk_arr[1]" . "
" . "Subject: $subject" . "
" . "Message:
$input2" . "
No Replies
" . "From: $from
" . "$input2
Original Message: $chunk_arr2[2]/$chunk_arr2[3]/$chunk_arr2[0]$chunk_arr2[1]
" . "From: $origfrom
" . "$input2
No Further Replies
" . "From: $from
" . "$input2
No more.