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Eco-$mart Contacts
Help - Under Development

Welcome to Eco-$mart Contacts Help Page
This area is under development. Please help us by alerting us if you experience problems while using Eco-$mart Contacts.

Eco-$mart Contacts Administrator: Matt Ross       Eco-$mart Web Developer: Kent W. Grubbs

Below you will find instructions for entering and maintaining Your Eco-$mart Contacts.

The Quick List - My Contacts

When you click on "My Contacts" on Your Private Page, a page will open with the heading of "Quick List". At first you will see the sub-headings, Name, Company, Phone, Email, and Manage. Below this, there will be empty space as there are not yet any contacts in Your Contacts.

Later, when you have entered contacts in Your Contacts, you will be able to quickly access the basic information in your contact list from this page, as well as View and Manage details and contact history by clicking [Manage] next to the contact. You can also delete contacts from Your Contacts from this page. You will always be asked to check before any action is completed. We will come back to the "Quick List" after adding a contact to Your Contacts.

New Contact - Click "New Contact"

Click on "New Contact" to begin entering your contacts. When the New Contact page opens, you will see a form for entering your contact’s information. The top portion of this form is fairly self explanatory. Required fields are: First Name, Last Name, Business Type, Phone, and Email Address. It is recommended that you fill in as much of the form as you can, but you can always add and edit this later.

Notes: Below the basic form, you will find two other areas. On the lower left, there is a text area for making notes about the contact. When you enter a note, it is automatically date stamped. You can add more notes later whenever the need arises by clicking [Manage] on the "Quick List" Page.

Activity Report: On the lower right of the New Contact form, you will see a box labeled "Activity Report". This area will help you keep track of Contact History and set a Re-Contact Reminder. Again, this area is optional, and you can manage it later by clicking [Manage] on the "Quick List" Page.

Submit: After filling in the form, click Submit. A New Contact Check page will open, so you can review what you have entered. Click "Edit" to return to the previous page if you need to fix something. Click "Submit" to confirm and enter the contact information into the Data Base.

Back to the "Quick List" - Click "Your Contacts"

After Submitting the contact information, return to Your Contacts. You will now see your contact listed in the "Quick List". If you have set a Re-Contact Date, you will see a flashing reminder next to the contact. You can Edit or Add to the contact’s details, make notes or add to the Activity Report by clicking [Manage] to the right of the Contact. You can also delete the contact by clicking [DEL] next to the contact. You will be asked if you are sure before any action is taken.

Manage Contacts - Click [Manage]

Click [Manage} to the right of the contact to open the "Edit Contact" page. When the page opens, you will find that it is much the same as the New Contact page with a few exceptions. One is that now, the fields you filled out in New Contact will now hold the information you added. You can edit this information, or add to empty fields to make your contact information more complete.

Notes: You will also find that any notes you entered will be displayed above the text area for Notes. You can add notes by entering them in the Notes area. Again, they will be automatically time stamped.

Activity Report: In the Activity Report, you will find activity you have previously reported, as well as a flashing reminder if you have entered a Re-Contact Date. You can deactivate a Re-Contact Date by clicking on the red X next to it. You can add a new Contact Report, or reset a Re-Contact Date as needed.

Submit: Just like, the New Contact page, clicking "Submit" will open a Contact Edit Check page. Click "Edit" to go back or "Submit" to add the new information to the Data Base.

Search Your Contacts - Click "Search Your Contacts"

Two functions are available on the Search Page. The results of both functions will open a list with the options of [Manage] or [DEL].

Select from the "List By" List to order the list of Your Contacts by several different parameters.

Search for a Name, Phone Number, Email Address, etc. by Selecting the Search parameters and then entering the term you want to find.

More Notes

We will be adding more to this Help Page as we work with the program further. You can help by letting us know your experiences with the program. Any suggestions for making Eco-$mart Conatacts better will be appreciated.

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