<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" . "
Sorry, you must Log In to view this Page

"); exit(); } $usrn = $_GET['usrn']; if($usrn == ""){ $usrn = $_POST['usrn']; } if($usrn == ""){ echo("

<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" . "
Problem with your username. Please Log In again.

"); exit(); } $ID = $_GET['ID']; $dbcnx = @mysql_connect('mysql.plainhost.com', 'ecosmar_ecosmart', 'ecoman1'); mysql_select_db('ecosmar_contacts', $dbcnx); $listem = @mysql_query("SELECT ID,first_Name,Name,Company,biztype,Phone,Address,City,State,ZipCode,dtnum,usrn,usremail FROM con_main WHERE ID='$ID'"); if (!$listem) { echo("
Error retrieving data from Contacts Data Base.
Error: " . mysql_error(). "
"); }else{ $row = mysql_fetch_array($listem); $ID = $row['ID']; $first_Name = stripslashes($row['first_Name']); $Name = stripslashes($row['Name']); $Company = $row['Company']; $biztype = stripslashes($row['biztype']); $Phone = $row['Phone']; $Address = stripslashes($row['Address']); $City = $row['City']; $State = $row['State']; $ZipCode = $row['ZipCode']; $dtnum = $row['dtnum']; $chunk_dtnum = chunk_split($dtnum, 2, ':'); $chunk_arr = explode(":", $chunk_dtnum); $datus = $chunk_arr[2].'-'.$chunk_arr[3].'-'.$chunk_arr[0].$chunk_arr[1]; $repusrn = $row['usrn']; $usremail = $row['usremail']; } mysql_select_db('ecosmar_website', $dbcnx); $regional = @mysql_query("SELECT region,director FROM repcon WHERE email='$usremail'"); if (!$regional) { echo("
Error retrieving Region.
Error: " . mysql_error(). "
"); }else{ $row = mysql_fetch_row($regional); $region = $row['region']; $director = $row['director']; if($region != 'none'){ $regcchek = @mysql_query("SELECT email FROM repcon WHERE region='$region' AND director='a'"); if (!$regcchek) { echo("
Error retrieving Region.
Error: " . mysql_error(). "
"); }else{ $rowg = mysql_fetch_row($regcchek); $regemail = $rowg['email']; } } } ?>
Contacts Eco-$mart, Inc.  On-line Administration
 Register This Contact Submitted on by  
" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "
" . "
Name: $first_Name $Name
Company: $Company
Address: $Address
$City, $State $ZipCode
Phone: $Phone
Business Type: $biztype
"); ?>
If this Contact has expressed an interest in any of the following products, please check the box next to the product name(s) and click "Submit". This will send an email directly to the manufacturer to register this customer to Eco-$mart and to you.
Could not get MFG List' . mysql_error(); }else{ while($row4 = mysql_fetch_array($ok4)){ $MID = $row4['ID']; $prod_name = $row4['prod_name']; $pro_name = stripslashes($row4['prod_name']); $co_name = stripslashes($row4['co_name']); echo("$pro_name
"); } } ?>


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