<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" . "
Sorry, you must Log In to view this Page

"); exit(); } $usrn = $_GET['usrn']; if($usrn == ""){ $usrn = $_POST['usrn']; } if($usrn == ""){ echo("

<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" . "
Problem with your username. Please Log In again.

"); exit(); } $today = date("F j, Y"); $ID = $_POST['ID']; $first_Name = $_POST['first_Name']; $Name = $_POST['Name']; $Company = $_POST['Company']; $mailCompany = stripslashes($Company); $biztype = $_POST['biztype']; $Phone = $_POST['Phone']; $Address = $_POST['Address']; $City = $_POST['City']; $State = $_POST['State']; $ZipCode = $_POST['ZipCode']; $dtnum = $_POST['dtnum']; $chunk_dtnum = chunk_split($dtnum, 2, ':'); $chunk_arr = explode(":", $chunk_dtnum); $datus = $chunk_arr[2].'-'.$chunk_arr[3].'-'.$chunk_arr[0].$chunk_arr[1]; $repusrn = $_POST['repusrn']; $usremail = $_POST['usremail']; $regemail = $_POST['regemail']; $check2 = $_POST[check2]; ?>
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Could not get MFG List
Error: " . mysql_error(). "

"); }else{ $row4 = mysql_fetch_array($ok4); $MID = $row4['ID']; $prod_name = stripslashes($row4['prod_name']); $co_name = stripslashes($row4['co_name']); $co_rep = stripslashes($row4['co_rep']); $email = $row4['email']; if($regemail != ""){ $recipient = $email.",".$regemail.","."mross@eco-smart.com"; }else{ $recipient = $email.","."mross@eco-smart.com"; } $reply = "From: ".$usremail; $subject = "New Eco-\$mart Contact Registration"; $message="A presentation of your company's $prod_name has been made by Eco-\$mart, Inc." . "\n" . "Please consider this a registration of this contact as a customer to Eco-\$mart, Inc. Below are the details:" . "\n" . "REPRESENTATIVE: $repusrn" . "\n" . "DATE: $today" . "\n" . "\n" . "CONTACT DETAILS:" . "\n" . "$first_Name $Name" . "\n" . "$mailCompany" . "\n" . "$Phone" . "\n" . "$Address" . "\n" . "$City, $State $ZipCode" . "\n" . "BUSINESS TYPE: $biztype" . "\n" . "\n" . "Thank You," . "\n" . "Ecosmartinc.com Notifications" . "\n"; $ok = @mysql_query("INSERT INTO mfg_con SET CID='$ID',MID='$MID'"); if ($ok) { echo("

Eco-\$mart Manufacturers List for $prod_name Updated

"); } if(@mail($recipient, $subject, $message, "From: $usrn <$usremail>")){ echo("

Contact Registration Sent for $prod_name.
"); }else{ echo ("

Error Sending Registration for $prod_name.
". "Error:". error() . "

"); } echo("

Return to this Contact Page

"); } } ?>
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