Eco-$mart Contacts Help
The Eco-$mart Contacts area is in beta mode. This simply means that we expect functions to work, but do not have total confidence that we have experienced every possible situation that could cause errors or malfunctions. Should you encounter problems while using Eco-$mart Contacts, please notify us immediately so we can correct the error.
We expect this area to be expanding as more people use it. If you have questions, or think we could explain better, please let us know.
Edit Contact | New Contact | Remove Contact |
Quick List
When you open Your Contacts, a Quick List of each Contact’s information is displayed in columns below the following List Headings: Name, Company, Phone, and Email. Hot or active Contacts are displayed first, followed by the rest of your Contacts.
Sort List
You can sort and order the Quick List by using the buttons to the left of the List Headings:
Name - The "Sort By" button sorts the list by the List Heading to which it points.
Name - The "Order By" button reverses the order of the information under the sorted List Heading.
Search List
Access Contact Search using the form at the top right corner of the Quick List Page. You can also click the Contact Search link in the navigation table at the bottom of each page. First, enter your search term and select the type of Contact information you wish to search and click "Submit". The program will process your information and react in various ways:
Click Get CSV in the navigation bar at the bottom of the page to open a new window. Inside that window you will find a text box with Your Contacts presented as a comma separated list. Follow the instructions on the page to create a CSV file. CSV files are so simple they can be opened and edited in a plain text editor. Yet they are quite powerful because of their flexibility. You can open CSV files in all spreadsheets, like Excel, and import them into Address Books and other data bases. As much as we would like to present a 100% guarantee that your data will never be lost, we also know that things don't always go as planned. Back up your Contacts as often as possible. Keep the CSV files in a safe place, preferrably on an external hard drive.
Click on the View/Edit button to the left of a Contact on the Quick List. A page will open displaying the Contact's information in a form. Change or add information in the form fields to edit the Contact's information.
--- Contact Information ---
Requirements apply to both New and Edited Contacts.
In order for this Contact to work with a wide range of functions, there is certain information that must be included. In all areas, it is important to remember that this information will be displayed in different environments within Eco-$mart Administration and will sometimes be included in emails from the website. Take care how you enter the Contact information. For example, you don't want emails sent to this Contact from the website to begin "Dear N/A Jones." With a few exceptions, missing information should be left blank. You can always add this information later on the Contact View/Edit page.
Contact Information Fields
Alternate Contact: Name, Title and Email Address for another Contact at the Business or Home of THIS Contact. Optional, Use as needed. |
--- Invoice Info ---
Price Level: Choose from Wholesale or Dealer. Default = Wholesale.
Referred by: If no referrer has been designated for this Contact, a drop-down box will be displayed on the Edit Contact Page next to this text. Leave this alone if you do not wish to share credit with another person for sales to this Contact. "Referred by:" will be displayed as "none" on following pages.
If you do wish to designate a referrer for this Contact, select the referrer from the list of all registered Eco-$mart Referrers in the drop-down box. You can select a referrer once for each Contact, so verify your referrer assignment on the next page. As a security precaution, once a referrer has been assigned to a Contact, changes to the assigned referrer can only be made by Eco-$mart Administration.
Don't confuse this with the option to "Request Referral Payments TO THIS Contact". (See notes on Contact Options below.) The referrer selected for THIS Contact is one that will be credited whenever an invoice is payed by THIS Contact. If no Referrer is displayed, YOU are the sole referrer for this Contact.
If this Contact has been registered as an Eco-$mart Referrer, Status and ID will be noted in the area just below Referred By. NOTE: Contact will not appear on the drop-down list above.
--- Contact Actions ---
Notes: Below the Contact Information area, to the left you will find a text area for entering notes about this Contact. Contact notes are not editable once they are submitted and can only be removed by Administration. Notes are dated automatically and displayed below the text area for review later. Enter new notes and click submit to add them to those listed below it.
Actions: Below the Invoice Info section, to the right, you will find links to any open Invoices or Projects for this Contact. If there are no open actions, this list will not appear.
Activity Report: Below this is a box titled Activity Report. This is for you to use at your convenience as a reminder of First Contact and to set up a Re-Contact reminder. To record First Contact select the date and click the appropriate radio buttons below the date that describe the First Contact.
Set a Re-Contact Date by selecting the date in the selection boxes and clicking Submit. When a Re-Contact reminder has been set, it will be listed in the Activity Report, it's "flag" will appear on Your Page, Your Calendar, and on the Contacts Quick List. Remove the reminder by clicking the red "X" to the right of the Reminder in this box.
--- Contact Options ---
Available after the Contact has been entered into Your Contacts. There are three columns in this area at the bottom of the Contact Page.
Option Status:
If the Contact has been registered with a Manufacturer, or registered as an Eco-$mart Dealer, these will be listed here.
Register Contact:
- With a Manufacturer - If you have made a presentation to this Contact on behalf of an Eco-$mart Manufacturer, you can register this Contact with the manufacturer to make a claim for sales to this Contact. Clicking this link will open a page on which you can check the manufacturer or manufacturers, as the case may be, with whom you wish to register this Contact. Click Submit, check the information is correct on the next page, then click Submit again. The program will send an email to each manufacturer checked, registering the Contact's information with the manufacturer.
- As an Eco-$mart Dealer - Certain products in the Eco-$mart Catalog are set up with a "Find a Dealer" function. Click on this link to open a page with these products listed. Check any of the products of which THIS Contact is a Dealer and click submit. Check that the information is correct and click submit again to enter the Contact into "Find a Dealer" on the website.
- As an Eco-$mart Referrer - An Eco-$mart Referrer is someone who benefits from sales of Eco-$mart Products. There are two levels of referrers.
-- 1% of Sale: You can register this level of referrer immediately. THIS Contact will be given an ID number which will appear in this area when this Contact is registered.
-- 10% of Profits: This level is reserved for Referrers within the Eco-$mart Organization. These Referrers will register potential customers and be paid when purchases are made. A request to register this level of referrer is made to Eco-$mart Administration through this same page. Eco-$mart Administration must approve this level of referrer. An ID number will be assigned to this Referrer ID as well.
New Actions:
- New Invoice: - All Quotes / Invoices must begin with a Contact. Invoicing is currently under development. Soon! Invoicing help will be linked from the Start a New Invoice page. Click this link to go there.
- New Project: - Clicking this link will open your Eco-$mart Calendar with a new project started for this Contact. See Project Help for more information.
The New Contact form can be reached from links on Your Contacts page. There is one in the top right corner of the main section, as well as a link in the Navigation bar at the bottom of the page.
Please see Edit Contact for a full discussion of the information that is required on this form. The New Contact form is basically a blank of the Contact Edit Page.
New Contact Assigned to you. Eco-$mart Administration may assign Contacts to you from outside sources such as the website or other promotion. You and your regional director, if such is the case, will receive an email notification of this assignment. The Contact will automatically appear in Your Contacts and will be flagged in your Hot Contacts for your further action.
From the Quick List, click Remove to the left of a Contact. You will be asked to confirm the removal from Your Contacts.
Contacts that you remove from Your Contacts are placed in an Idle Contacts file that can only be accessed by Administration to reassign the Contact to another Representative, or to completely delete the Contact.
If you need further clarification on any of the discussions here, please contact Eco-$mart Administration. Your comments and suggestions are always appreciated.
©2007 - Data Base Interface - Custom Built at:
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