New Referrer Requests
[Deny] will remove New Referrer from this list. Contact Remains.
$dbcnx = @mysql_connect('', 'ecosmar_ecosmart', 'ecoman1');
mysql_select_db('ecosmar_contacts', $dbcnx);
$listem = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM refcon_new ORDER BY dtnum");
if (!$listem) {
Error retrieving data from Requested Referrers List. Error: ". mysql_error(). " |
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($listem);
if($num_rows < 1){
There are No New Referrer Requests |
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($listem)) {
$ID = $row['ID'];
$name_1 = $row['name_1'];
$name_2 = $row['name_2'];
$name = $name_1." ".$name_2;
$namestrlen = strlen($name);
$address = $row['address'];
$Company = $row['Company'];
$city = $row['city'];
$state = $row['state'];
$Country = $row['Country'];
$chcnt = array();
$chcnt[] = 'AL';
$chcnt[] = 'AK';
$chcnt[] = 'AZ';
$chcnt[] = 'AR';
$chcnt[] = 'CA';
$chcnt[] = 'CO';
$chcnt[] = 'CT';
$chcnt[] = 'DE';
$chcnt[] = 'DC';
$chcnt[] = 'FL';
$chcnt[] = 'GA';
$chcnt[] = 'HI';
$chcnt[] = 'ID';
$chcnt[] = 'IL';
$chcnt[] = 'IN';
$chcnt[] = 'IA';
$chcnt[] = 'KS';
$chcnt[] = 'KY';
$chcnt[] = 'LA';
$chcnt[] = 'ME';
$chcnt[] = 'MD';
$chcnt[] = 'MA';
$chcnt[] = 'MI';
$chcnt[] = 'MN';
$chcnt[] = 'MS';
$chcnt[] = 'MO';
$chcnt[] = 'MT';
$chcnt[] = 'NE';
$chcnt[] = 'NV';
$chcnt[] = 'NH';
$chcnt[] = 'NJ';
$chcnt[] = 'NM';
$chcnt[] = 'NY';
$chcnt[] = 'NC';
$chcnt[] = 'ND';
$chcnt[] = 'OH';
$chcnt[] = 'OK';
$chcnt[] = 'OR';
$chcnt[] = 'PA';
$chcnt[] = 'PR';
$chcnt[] = 'RI';
$chcnt[] = 'SC';
$chcnt[] = 'SD';
$chcnt[] = 'TN';
$chcnt[] = 'TX';
$chcnt[] = 'UT';
$chcnt[] = 'VT';
$chcnt[] = 'VA';
$chcnt[] = 'WA';
$chcnt[] = 'WV';
$chcnt[] = 'WI';
$chcnt[] = 'WY';
$chcnt[] = 'VI';
$chcnt[] = 'AS';
$chcnt[] = 'GU';
$chcnt[] = 'Alabama';
$chcnt[] = 'Alaska';
$chcnt[] = 'Arizona';
$chcnt[] = 'Arkansas';
$chcnt[] = 'California';
$chcnt[] = 'Colorado';
$chcnt[] = 'Connecticut';
$chcnt[] = 'Delaware';
$chcnt[] = 'District of Columbia';
$chcnt[] = 'Florida';
$chcnt[] = 'Georgia';
$chcnt[] = 'Hawaii';
$chcnt[] = 'Idaho';
$chcnt[] = 'Illinois';
$chcnt[] = 'Indiana';
$chcnt[] = 'Iowa';
$chcnt[] = 'Kansas';
$chcnt[] = 'Kentucky';
$chcnt[] = 'Louisiana';
$chcnt[] = 'Maine';
$chcnt[] = 'Maryland';
$chcnt[] = 'Massachusetts';
$chcnt[] = 'Michigan';
$chcnt[] = 'Minnesota';
$chcnt[] = 'Mississippi';
$chcnt[] = 'Missouri';
$chcnt[] = 'Montana';
$chcnt[] = 'Nebraska';
$chcnt[] = 'Nevada';
$chcnt[] = 'New Hampshire';
$chcnt[] = 'New Jersey';
$chcnt[] = 'New Mexico';
$chcnt[] = 'New York';
$chcnt[] = 'North Carolina';
$chcnt[] = 'North Dakota';
$chcnt[] = 'Ohio';
$chcnt[] = 'Oklahoma';
$chcnt[] = 'Oregon';
$chcnt[] = 'Pennsylvania';
$chcnt[] = 'Puerto Rico';
$chcnt[] = 'Rhode Island';
$chcnt[] = 'South Carolina';
$chcnt[] = 'South Dakota';
$chcnt[] = 'Tennessee';
$chcnt[] = 'Texas';
$chcnt[] = 'Utah';
$chcnt[] = 'Vermont';
$chcnt[] = 'Virginia';
$chcnt[] = 'Washington';
$chcnt[] = 'West Virginia';
$chcnt[] = 'Wisconsin';
$chcnt[] = 'Wyoming';
$chcnt[] = 'Virgin Islands';
$chcnt[] = 'American Samoa';
$chcnt[] = 'Guam';
if(in_array($state, $chcnt)){
$countryfried = "";
$countryfried = $Country;
$ZipCode = $row['ZipCode'];
$phone = $row['phone'];
$email = $row['email'];
$Link = $row['Link'];
$trak = $row['track'];
if($trak == "Yes" and $Link != ""){
$weebe = "
Web Ref: ".$Link."";
$weebe = $Link;
$req_by = $row['req_by'];
$level = $row['level'];
if($level == '1'){
$leveldesc = "Percent of Sale";
}elseif($level == '10'){
$leveldesc = "Percent of Profit";
}elseif($level == 'flat'){
$leveldesc = "Flat Fee";
$levelier = explode(":", $level);
if($levelier[0] == 'product'){
$leveldesc = "For Product: ".$levelier[1];
$leveldesc = "New Referrer";
}//not anything
}//not any of the big three, must be product:###
$dtnum = $row['dtnum'];
$chunk_dtnum = chunk_split($dtnum, 2, ':');
$chunk_arr = explode(":", $chunk_dtnum);
$datus = $chunk_arr[2].'-'.$chunk_arr[3].'-'.$chunk_arr[0].$chunk_arr[1];
" .
"Requested by: $req_by on $datus as $leveldesc " .
" |
[ Set ]" .
" [ Deny ]" .
" | ");
if($namestrlen > 3){
echo("$name_1 $name_2 ");
echo("$Company | $address $city $state $countryfried $ZipCode" .
" | Phone: $phone Email: $email $weebe" .
" |