<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" . "
Sorry, you must Log In to view this Page

"); exit(); } $usrn = $_GET['usrn']; if($usrn == ""){ $usrn = $_POST['usrn']; } if($usrn == ""){ echo("

<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" . "
Problem with your username. Please Log In again.

"); exit(); } $wh = $_GET['wh']; ?>
Back Eco-$mart, Inc.  Eco-$mart Referrers
 New Referrer Requests


[Deny] will remove New Referrer from this list. Contact Remains.
Error retrieving data from Requested Referrers List.
Error: ". mysql_error(). ""); } $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($listem); if($num_rows < 1){ echo("
There are No New Referrer Requests
"); }else{ while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($listem)) { $ID = $row['ID']; $name_1 = $row['name_1']; $name_2 = $row['name_2']; $name = $name_1." ".$name_2; $namestrlen = strlen($name); $address = $row['address']; $Company = $row['Company']; $city = $row['city']; $state = $row['state']; $Country = $row['Country']; $chcnt = array(); $chcnt[] = 'AL'; $chcnt[] = 'AK'; $chcnt[] = 'AZ'; $chcnt[] = 'AR'; $chcnt[] = 'CA'; $chcnt[] = 'CO'; $chcnt[] = 'CT'; $chcnt[] = 'DE'; $chcnt[] = 'DC'; $chcnt[] = 'FL'; $chcnt[] = 'GA'; $chcnt[] = 'HI'; $chcnt[] = 'ID'; $chcnt[] = 'IL'; $chcnt[] = 'IN'; $chcnt[] = 'IA'; $chcnt[] = 'KS'; $chcnt[] = 'KY'; $chcnt[] = 'LA'; $chcnt[] = 'ME'; $chcnt[] = 'MD'; $chcnt[] = 'MA'; $chcnt[] = 'MI'; $chcnt[] = 'MN'; $chcnt[] = 'MS'; $chcnt[] = 'MO'; $chcnt[] = 'MT'; $chcnt[] = 'NE'; $chcnt[] = 'NV'; $chcnt[] = 'NH'; $chcnt[] = 'NJ'; $chcnt[] = 'NM'; $chcnt[] = 'NY'; $chcnt[] = 'NC'; $chcnt[] = 'ND'; $chcnt[] = 'OH'; $chcnt[] = 'OK'; $chcnt[] = 'OR'; $chcnt[] = 'PA'; $chcnt[] = 'PR'; $chcnt[] = 'RI'; $chcnt[] = 'SC'; $chcnt[] = 'SD'; $chcnt[] = 'TN'; $chcnt[] = 'TX'; $chcnt[] = 'UT'; $chcnt[] = 'VT'; $chcnt[] = 'VA'; $chcnt[] = 'WA'; $chcnt[] = 'WV'; $chcnt[] = 'WI'; $chcnt[] = 'WY'; $chcnt[] = 'VI'; $chcnt[] = 'AS'; $chcnt[] = 'GU'; $chcnt[] = 'Alabama'; $chcnt[] = 'Alaska'; $chcnt[] = 'Arizona'; $chcnt[] = 'Arkansas'; $chcnt[] = 'California'; $chcnt[] = 'Colorado'; $chcnt[] = 'Connecticut'; $chcnt[] = 'Delaware'; $chcnt[] = 'District of Columbia'; $chcnt[] = 'Florida'; $chcnt[] = 'Georgia'; $chcnt[] = 'Hawaii'; $chcnt[] = 'Idaho'; $chcnt[] = 'Illinois'; $chcnt[] = 'Indiana'; $chcnt[] = 'Iowa'; $chcnt[] = 'Kansas'; $chcnt[] = 'Kentucky'; $chcnt[] = 'Louisiana'; $chcnt[] = 'Maine'; $chcnt[] = 'Maryland'; $chcnt[] = 'Massachusetts'; $chcnt[] = 'Michigan'; $chcnt[] = 'Minnesota'; $chcnt[] = 'Mississippi'; $chcnt[] = 'Missouri'; $chcnt[] = 'Montana'; $chcnt[] = 'Nebraska'; $chcnt[] = 'Nevada'; $chcnt[] = 'New Hampshire'; $chcnt[] = 'New Jersey'; $chcnt[] = 'New Mexico'; $chcnt[] = 'New York'; $chcnt[] = 'North Carolina'; $chcnt[] = 'North Dakota'; $chcnt[] = 'Ohio'; $chcnt[] = 'Oklahoma'; $chcnt[] = 'Oregon'; $chcnt[] = 'Pennsylvania'; $chcnt[] = 'Puerto Rico'; $chcnt[] = 'Rhode Island'; $chcnt[] = 'South Carolina'; $chcnt[] = 'South Dakota'; $chcnt[] = 'Tennessee'; $chcnt[] = 'Texas'; $chcnt[] = 'Utah'; $chcnt[] = 'Vermont'; $chcnt[] = 'Virginia'; $chcnt[] = 'Washington'; $chcnt[] = 'West Virginia'; $chcnt[] = 'Wisconsin'; $chcnt[] = 'Wyoming'; $chcnt[] = 'Virgin Islands'; $chcnt[] = 'American Samoa'; $chcnt[] = 'Guam'; if(in_array($state, $chcnt)){ $countryfried = ""; }else{ $countryfried = $Country; } $ZipCode = $row['ZipCode']; $phone = $row['phone']; $email = $row['email']; $Link = $row['Link']; $trak = $row['track']; if($trak == "Yes" and $Link != ""){ $weebe = "Web Ref: ".$Link.""; }else{ $weebe = $Link; } $req_by = $row['req_by']; $level = $row['level']; if($level == '1'){ $leveldesc = "Percent of Sale"; }elseif($level == '10'){ $leveldesc = "Percent of Profit"; }elseif($level == 'flat'){ $leveldesc = "Flat Fee"; }else{ $levelier = explode(":", $level); if($levelier[0] == 'product'){ $leveldesc = "For Product: ".$levelier[1]; }else{ $leveldesc = "New Referrer"; }//not anything }//not any of the big three, must be product:### $dtnum = $row['dtnum']; $chunk_dtnum = chunk_split($dtnum, 2, ':'); $chunk_arr = explode(":", $chunk_dtnum); $datus = $chunk_arr[2].'-'.$chunk_arr[3].'-'.$chunk_arr[0].$chunk_arr[1]; echo("" . "
Requested by:  $req_by  on  $datus  as  $leveldesc " . "
[ Set ]" . "  [ Deny ]" . ""); if($namestrlen > 3){ echo("$name_1 $name_2
"); } echo("$Company
$state $countryfried $ZipCode" . "
Phone: $phone
Email: $email
$weebe" . "
"); } } ?>
" . "" . "
" . "" . "
" . " New Referrer " . "" . " Requested Referrers " . "" . " List Referrers " . "
" . " Your Contacts " . "" . " All Contacts " . "" . " Return to Your Page " . "
" . "
" . "Eco-$mart Products" . "
" . "" . "
©2007 - Data Base Interface - Custom Built at: " . "kwgrubbs.com" . "
"); }else{ echo("
" . "" . "
" . "" . "
" . " Eco-\$mart Administration " . "" . " Close " . "
" . "
" . "Eco-$mart Products" . "
" . "" . "
©2007 - Data Base Interface - Custom Built at: " . "kwgrubbs.com" . "
"); } ?>