Error Selecting User from Data Base!"); }else{ $result = mysql_fetch_array($ok); } if($result[0] != "All"){//try again $loggo = 3; $logcount = $logcount + 1; }else{//success $loggo = 2; } }else{//first time $loggo = 1; } ?>
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Eco-$mart Contacts
Referrer Administration Log-in

" . "Please enter your username and password." . "

" . "" . "" . "" . "
" . "
Username: " . "
Password: " . "
" . "" . "" . "
"); } if($loggo == 2){//success echo("" . "" . "
Log-in Successful" . "
" . "
" . "Welcome $usrn." . "
" . "" . "" . "
"); }//success if($loggo == 3 and $logcount <= 3){// more tries echo("

" . "Sorry, there were problems with your Log-in." . "

" . "" . "" . "" . "
Please Try Again:" . "
Tries = $logcount" . "
" . "
Username: " . "
Password: " . "
" . "" . "" . "
"); }elseif($loggo == 3 and $logcount > 3){//too many tries echo("

Sorry. There is a serious problem with your username and password that the system cannot work out." . "
Please contact Eco-\$mart to correct the problem.

"); exit(); } ?>
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