Featured Product Administration
The Featured Product displayed on the Eco-$mart Catalog Cover is controlled using Featured Product Administration. Any product in the Catalog can become a featured product. Once a product is added to the Featured Product Data Base, it can be edited, activated and deactivated with this function. A product can remain in the Data Base for future use just waiting to be activated when needed.
Very Important!  There must be at least one product in the Data Base with Status:"active". If there are no products with Status:"active" a page-not-found error will appear in the Featured Product Box on the Catalog Cover.
Creating a New Featured Product

Click "New Featured Product" in the green bar at the top of the Featured Product Administration Home Page. The New Featured Product Page will open. It contains one selection box and four text fields that must be filled out completely.

- Status: Selecting "active" will make the product ready to be presented on the Catalog Page. If there are no other Products in the Data Base set to "active", the Product will immediately become the Featured Product on the Catalog Cover. An existing Featured Product with Status:"active" will take precedence over a new one. You will need to edit existing, "active" Featured Products and set them to "inactive" or delete them before your new Featured Product will be shown on the Catalog Cover.

- Part Name:*This is the Exact Name of the Product. Also the Title of the Product Page.

- Description: This is the text that will display in the Featured Product Box on the Catalog Cover. A small paragraph of introduction to the product. Limited to 255 Characters.

- Page Link:* This is the relative address of the page that will open when "Click Here" is clicked.

- Thumbnail Link:* This is the full path to the thumbnail image for the product page, used in Featured Product and Catalog Search.

* Exact Part Names, Page Links, and Thumbnail Links can be copied and pasted from the Catalog Page List. Look for the link on the New Featured Product Page.

After completing the New Featured Product form, click "Preview". A preview of the Featured Product Box will appear as it would on the Catalog Cover. If any text escapes the white box, the Description is too long. 255 Characters Only.

Go back to "Edit", or Click "Submit" to send the approved Featured Product to the Data Base.

You can change the Status of this New Featured Product as well as edit its content, after it is in the Data Base. See Editing Existing Featured Products below.

Editing Existing Featured Products
A complete listing of all the Products in the Featured Product Data Base is found on the Featured Product Administration Home Page. On the right hand side of each listing, you will see two buttons; "Edit" and "Delete".

Clicking "Edit" will open the Edit Existing Featured Product page. There you will find a form exactly like the New Featured Product page, with the selection and fields filled in with current data from the Data Base. You can change any of the fields before submitting. Warning! Page Link and Image Link are addresses, and must be exact. Editing them may cause errors in the Featured Product Box.

When you are finished editing, click "Preview". If you are satisfied with the appearance of the Featured Product Box, click "Submit". Or click "Edit" to go back and try again.

Clicking "Delete" will open a confirmation page to make sure you are deleting the correct Featured Product. This Delete function only deletes the Product from the Featured Product Data Base. It has no other effect on the Product's pages or functions in the Catalog.

Deleting a Product is permanent. It can not be undone. You may want to edit the Product's status to "inactive" instead. This way it will be available for use later if the need should arise.

Requests for further support can be addressed to: support@kwgrubbs.com
