Data Input Rules
Reserved Characters
In order for this program to be cross platform compatible, some symbols or characters must not be used in the Data entered into the Data Base. This is because these symbols may mean different things to different processes and platforms. These symbols or characters are reserved for use by the Data Base Interface and may confuse the program and place the data in the wrong place in the Data Base Table or render it unreadable to a different program.
DO NOT USE the following characters when naming or describing products. Use the Suggested Replacement symbols, or the HTML Code.
Do Not Use Replace with Code:
, (comma) Use space, _ , - , or ( ) instead.
" (double quote) Use in. or inches instead.
' (single quote) Use ft. or feet instead.
2-Character Category Code for Product Item Number.
In order for the Data Base to work with the Item Number you assign to a new product, you must use the Category Code at the beginning of Item Number. What you do after that is up to you. If you use separators in the Item Number Please use a dash.( - )
Building Envelope SystemsBD
Control SystemsCT
Day LightingDL
Earth Friendly FlooringFL
Energy Saving AppliancesAP
Home SafetyHS
Native Eco-friendly LandscapeLD
Paints and CoatingsPC
Porous PavingPV
Solar EnergySL
Water HeatingWH
Water PurificationWP
Water SavingWS
- Use Only a dash as a separator.
- Currently, there are several Item Numbers in the Data Base that do not follow these rules. (Eg., 10ML03-60-27,DayTub-24) Current configuration allows for these. All New Item Numbers must contain the Category Code as the first two characters of the Item Number.

Requests for further support can be addressed to:
