<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" . "
Sorry, you must Log In to view this Page

"); exit(); } $usrn = $_GET['usrn']; if($usrn == ""){ $usrn = $_POST['usrn']; } if($usrn == ""){ echo("

<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" . "
Problem with your username. Please Log In again.

"); exit(); } $dbcnx = @mysql_connect('mysql.plainhost.com', 'ecosmar_ecosmart', 'ecoman1'); mysql_select_db('ecosmar_products', $dbcnx); $getit = mysql_query("SELECT item,sku,upc,carrier,crr_phone,crr_account,class,o_city,o_country,o_code,unit,weight_lbs,height_in,width_in,length_in,custom,currency,minimum,handling,flat,rate_1,rate_wgt_1,rate_2,rate_wgt_2,rate_3,rate_wgt_3,up_date,description FROM ship ORDER BY item"); if(!$getit){ echo("

Could not Retrieve Shipping List

"); }else{ $numrows = mysql_num_rows($getit); if($numrows < 1){ echo("

No Shipping List Available. Data base table is empty.

"); }else{ $toppy[] = "item"; $toppy[] = "sku"; $toppy[] = "upc"; $toppy[] = "carrier"; $toppy[] = "crr_phone"; $toppy[] = "crr_account"; $toppy[] = "class"; $toppy[] = "o_city"; $toppy[] = "o_country"; $toppy[] = "o_code"; $toppy[] = "unit"; $toppy[] = "weight_lbs"; $toppy[] = "height_in"; $toppy[] = "width_in"; $toppy[] = "length_in"; $toppy[] = "custom"; $toppy[] = "currency"; $toppy[] = "minimum"; $toppy[] = "handling"; $toppy[] = "flat"; $toppy[] = "rate_1"; $toppy[] = "rate_wgt_1"; $toppy[] = "rate_2"; $toppy[] = "rate_wgt_2"; $toppy[] = "rate_3"; $toppy[] = "rate_wgt_3"; $toppy[] = "up_date"; $toppy[] = "description"; }//else }//bigelse ?>
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  Product Shipping List Retrieval from Data Base
Copy and Paste from Data Base Table "price" to Excel File:   Eco-$mart_Product_Shipping__.xls
READ BEFORE USING:  Help    First time user see File Guide
Do not attempt to modify information inside the text area.  It is simply a holding area between programs.
If there is a mistake in the information from the Data Base Table, edit the Spread Sheet file!  Go To Update Page. Copy and Paste the corrected Excel File.
More Help:
Although you can simply paste over the content in the current Eco-$mart_Product_Shipping__.xls on your computer, this is not recommended. Best practice is to create a new file each time you retrieve the price list from the Data Base. Uniquely name the file when you save it, appending a date signature or other identification.

Step 1: Right Click inside text area and click Select All or click inside text area and use keys Ctrl+A.

You must copy and paste the entire text area for this to work.

Step 2: Copy All with Right Click and Copy or use keys Ctrl+C.

Step 3: Open spread sheet: Eco-$mart_Product_Shipping__.xls .

Step 4: Click inside the cell in the second row and the first column to select it (A2).

Pasting into A1 will work, but column titles and formatting in Excel or Open Office will not be preserved.

Step 5: Right Click and Paste the data that you copied from the text area or use keys Ctrl+V.

An input area will open asking for parameters. Use the default settings.
 — Character Set: Unicode
 — From Row: 1
 — Separate by: Tab
 — Column Type: Standard

Step 6: Save file as Eco-$mart_Product_Shipping_*.xls .

Paste into Column 1 Row 2 Cell(A2)
Select Cell A2
Eco-$mart Products
©2008 - Data Base Interface - Custom Built at:  kwgrubbs.com