<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" . "
Sorry, you must Log In to view this Page

"); exit(); } $usrn = $_GET['usrn']; if($usrn == ""){ $usrn = $_POST['usrn']; } if($usrn == ""){ echo("

<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" . "
Problem with your username. Please Log In again.

"); exit(); } $done = $_POST['done']; $temp = $_POST['temp']; $dbcnx = @mysql_connect('mysql.plainhost.com', 'ecosmar_ecosmart', 'ecoman1'); if($temp != ""){ mysql_select_db('ecosmar_friendly', $dbcnx); $temp = @mysql_query("SELECT listit FROM ml_temp WHERE ID='$temp'"); if(!$temp){ echo("

Error retrieving Email Template Recipients.
" . "Error: " . mysql_error(). "

"); }else{ $t_row = mysql_fetch_row($temp); $t_l = $t_row['listit']; $t_li = explode("-",$t_l); foreach($t_li as $value){ $t_cut = explode(":",$value); $t_nam[] = $t_cut[0]; }//foreach }//else }else{ $t_nam[] = "NO LIST"; }//else $replistdo = $_POST[replist]; print_r($replistdo); $replistrem = $_POST[replistrem]; print_r($replistrem); if(empty($replistdo)){ $rep0 = "on"; }else{ mysql_select_db('ecosmar_website', $dbcnx); foreach($replistdo as $value){ $listaddy = @mysql_query("SELECT usrn,email FROM psw WHERE usrn='$value' ORDER BY last_name"); if (!$listaddy) { echo("

Error getting representative addresses.
" . "Error: " . mysql_error(). "

"); }else{ while($adrow = mysql_fetch_array($listaddy)){ $repnam = $adrow['usrn']; if(!in_array($repnam, $replistrem) and !in_array($repnam, $t_nam)){ $repnames[] = $repnam; $repna[] = $repnam.":".$adrow['email']; }//if }//while }//else }//foreach } //else $bizlistdo = $_POST[bizlist]; print_r($bizlistdo); $bizlistremdo = $_POST[bizlistrem]; print_r($bizlistremdo); if(!empty($bizlistremdo)){ foreach($bizlistremdo as $value){ $bizlistrema[] = $value; } } if(empty($bizlistdo)){ $biz0 = "on"; }else{ mysql_select_db('ecosmar_contacts', $dbcnx); foreach($bizlistdo as $value){ $bizcheck = @mysql_query("SELECT first_Name,Name,email FROM con_main WHERE biztype='$value' AND mkt='1' ORDER BY Name"); if (!$bizcheck) { echo("

Error getting business addresses.
" . "Error: " . mysql_error(). "

"); }else{ while($badrow = mysql_fetch_array($bizcheck)){ $bizremc = $badrow['email']; if(ereg("@", $bizremc)){ if(!in_array($bizremc, $bizlistrema) and !in_array($bizremc, $t_nam)){ $name1a = $badrow['first_Name']; $name1b = explode(" ",$name1a); $name1count = count($name1b); $name1 = $name1b[0]; $name2a = $badrow['Name']; $name2b = explode(",",$name2a); $name2 = $name2b[0]; $bizna[] = $name1." ".$name2.":".$bizremc; $bizname[] = $name1." ".$name2; $bize[] = $bizremc; }//if }//if }//while }//else }//foreach }//else $rcount = count($repna); $bcount = count($bizna); $tcount = $rcount + $bcount; if($tcount > 30){ $alarm = "on"; $whattodo = "Edit Recipient List"; $messcolor = "red"; $alrmess = "There are too many contacts in this list to email all at once."; $there = "ml_makelist.php"; $button = "Enter"; $color = "yellow"; }else{ $alarm = "off"; } if($alarm != "on" and $done !="on"){ $whattodo = "Edit Recipient List"; $messcolor = "black"; $alrmess = "You may continue to edit. Check "Finished Editing" below when done."; $there = "ml_makelist.php"; $button = "Enter"; $color = "white"; } if($alarm != "on" and $done =="on"){ $whattodo = "Make Email"; $there = "ml_makemail.php"; $button = "Make Email"; $color = "white"; } ?>
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Check names and click Enter to remove from List"); } ?>

0){ echo("Representative:
"); $i = 0; while($i < $rcount){ echo(" $repnames[$i]
" . ""); $i = $i+1; } } foreach($replistdo as $value){ if(!in_array($value, $replistrem)){ echo(""); } } ?>
"); } if($bcount > 0){ echo("Business Contact:
"); $i = 0; while($i < $bcount){ echo(" $bizname[$i]
" . ""); $i = $i+1; } } foreach($bizlistdo as $value){ echo(""); } ?>
 Finished Editing
"); } ?>
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