<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" . "
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"); exit(); } $today = date("F j, Y"); $dtnum = date(Ymd); $usrn = $_POST['usrn']; $invnum = $_POST['invnum']; $CID = $_POST['CID']; $rep = $_POST['rep']; $rep_email = $_POST['rep_email']; $first_Name = $_POST['first_Name']; $Name = $_POST['Name']; $Company = $_POST['Company']; $Phone = $_POST['Phone']; $Address = $_POST['Address']; $FAX = $_POST['FAX']; $City = $_POST['City']; $email = $_POST['email']; $State = $_POST['State']; $ZipCode = $_POST['ZipCode']; $ship = $_POST['ship']; $rec_co = stripslashes($_POST['rec_co']); $rec_name = stripslashes($_POST['rec_name']); $rec_address = $_POST['rec_address']; $rec_city = $_POST['rec_city']; $rec_state = $_POST['rec_state']; $rec_zip = $_POST['rec_zip']; if($ship == 'same'){ $rec_zip = $ZipCode; } $rec_phone = $_POST['rec_phone']; $ponum = $_POST['ponum']; $terms = $_POST['terms']; $due = $_POST['due']; $dd1 = $_POST['dd1']; $dd2 = $_POST['dd2']; $dd3 = $_POST['dd3']; if($dd1 == '02'){ if(is_int($thisyear)){ if(in_array($dd2, $febleap)){ $dtok = 'No'; $wait1 = 'bold'; $color1 ='red'; } }else{ if(in_array($dd2, $febnot)){ $dtok = 'No'; $wait1 = 'bold'; $color1 ='red'; } } }//if dd1 is 02 if(in_array($dd1, $thirty)){ if($dd2 == '31'){ $dtok = 'No'; $wait2 = 'bold'; $color2 ='red'; } }//if in array of thirty if($dtok == 'No'){ echo("

The Date for Est. Delivery
$dd1 - $dd2 - $dd3
is incorrect.
Please Go Back and correct.

"); exit(); } $due = $dd3.$dd1.$dd2; $doit = $dd1."-".$dd2."-".$dd3; $data1 = mktime (0,0,0,date("n"),date("j"),date("Y")); $data2 = mktime (0,0,0,$dd1,$dd2,$dd3); $prgrss = ($data2 - $data1) / 86400; $project = $_POST['project']; $prod_desc = $_POST[prod_desc2]; $prod_name = $_POST[prod_name2]; $prod_unit = $_POST[prod_unit2]; $prod_price = $_POST[prod_price2]; $prod_qty = $_POST[prod_qty]; $special = $_POST['special']; $today = date("F j, Y"); $dtnum = date(Ymd); $customer = "$Company
$first_Name $Name
$City, $State $ZipCode
$FAX"; $c_ship = "$Company
$first_Name $Name
$City, $State $ZipCode
$Phone"; $shipto = "$rec_co
$rec_city, $rec_state $rec_zip
$rec_phone"; $dbcnx = @mysql_connect('mysql.plainhost.com', 'ecosmar_ecosmart', 'ecoman1'); ?>

Eco-$mart, Inc.
4411 Bee Ridge Road #344
Sarasota, FL 34233
PH. 888-329-2705   FX: 941-377-9460

Date Invoice #
Bill To: Ship To:
P.O. Number Terms Est. Delivery Project
"); $i=$i+1; } ?>
Item Code Description Quantity Price Unit Amount
$prod_name[$i]$prod_desc[$i]" . "$prod_qty[$i]" . "$prod_price[$i]$prod_unit[$i]$formamount" . "
Add Shipping Subtotal " . $subtotal . "

"); ?>
Error retrieving Shipping Data.
' . 'Error: '. mysql_error(). '

'); }else{ $shipit = mysql_fetch_array($getem); $id = $shipit['id']; $productname = $shipit['productname']; $type = $shipit['type']; if($type == ""){ $type = 'Best'; } $o_country = $shipit['o_country']; $o_city = $shipit['o_city']; $o_code = $shipit['o_code']; $weight_lb = $shipit['weight_lb']; $shiptypeone[] = $type; $fixed_price = $shipit['fixed_price']; $minimum = $shipit['minimum']; $percent_of_sale = $shipit['percent_of_sale']; if($id ==""){ $shipman[] = $i; }elseif($type == 'UPS'){ $upsman[] = $i; $upso_code[] = $o_code; $ups_weight[] = $weight_lb; }else{ if($fixed_price != 0){ $shipcharge = $fixed_price * $prod_qty[$i]; } elseif($percent_of_sale > 0){ $shipcharge = $full_amount[$i] * $percent_of_sale; } if($minimum > 0 AND $shipcharge < $minimum){ $shipcharge = $minimum; } $shipwrit = sprintf("%01.2f", $shipcharge); echo(""); $shiptotal[] = $shipcharge; } } $i = $i+1; } $shipit = array_sum($shiptotal); $shipprice = sprintf("%01.2f", $shipit); $shipcheck = count($shipman); $upscheck = count($upsman); if($shipcheck > 0 or $upscheck > 0){ echo("" . ""); $a = 0; while($a < $upscheck){ $b = $upsman[$a]; echo("" . "" . ""); $a = $a + 1; } foreach($shipman as $value){ echo("" . "" . ""); } }else{ echo(""); } ?>
QTY Product Carrier Charge
$prod_qty[$i] $productname $type $shipwrit 
Shipping Subtotal:$shipprice 
Complete the following shipping information.
$prod_qty[$b] $prod_name[$b] UPS Calculator" . "UPS
$prod_qty[$value] $prod_name[$value] 
Total Shipping Charges$shipprice 
Sales Tax
Enter Sales Tax Per Cent.

"); ?>

"); ?>
Please enter any credits or payments. Type:  

"); ?>

Balance Due  

"); ?>