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Representative: | Date: |
Invoice #: Invoice Date: Old Due Date: | |
Customer: , P.O.Number: | |
Products: foreach($prod_name_arr as $value){ echo("$value "); } ?> | |
New Due Date: | |
You have chosen NOT to send email notification of this change to this Customer. [Change] | |
Your notes will be kept on file with this Invoice. | |
Note:" .
" $newnotes | |
You have chosen to send email notification of this change to this Customer. [Change] | |
Below is the email message that will be sent: | |
TO: $cu_email" .
" FROM: $rep, Eco-\$mart Representative <$rep_email>" . " Dear $first_Name $Name," . " Due to factors out of our control, we are forced to change the following delivery date from our original estimate." . " ECO-\$MART INVOICE NUMBER: $invnum" . " P.O. NUMBER: $ponum" . " PRODUCT(S): $comma_separated" . " NEW DELIVERY DATE: $newdoo" . " NOTE: $newnotes" . " We apologize for any inconvenience this change might cause." . " Sincerely," . " $rep, Your Eco-\$mart Representative | |
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