Problem getting invoice data.
Error: ".mysql_error()."

"); }else{ $row = mysql_fetch_array($newinv); $ID = $row['ID']; $invnum = $row['invnum']; $CID = $row['CID']; $rep = $row['rep']; $rep_email = $row['rep_email']; $rec_co = $row['rec_co']; $rec_name = $row['rec_name']; $rec_address = $row['rec_address']; $rec_city = $row['rec_city']; $rec_state = $row['rec_state']; $rec_zip = $row['rec_zip']; $rec_phone = $row['rec_phone']; $ponum = $row['ponum']; $terms = $row['terms']; $due = $row['due']; $chunk_due = chunk_split($due, 2, ':'); $chunk_arrd = explode(":", $chunk_due); $doit = $chunk_arrd[2].'/'.$chunk_arrd[3].'/'.$chunk_arrd[0].$chunk_arrd[1]; $project = $row['project']; $dtnum = $row['dtnum']; $special = $row['special']; if($special == "wholesale"){ $z = 3; }elseif($special == "dealer"){ $z = 4; }elseif($special == "distributor"){ $z = 5; }else{ $z = 2; } } mysql_select_db('ecosmar_contacts', $dbcnx); $contact = mysql_query("SELECT first_Name,Name,Company,Address,City,State,ZipCode from con_main WHERE ID='$CID'"); if(!$contact){ echo("

Problem getting contact data.
Error: ".mysql_error()."

"); }else{ $rowc = mysql_fetch_array($contact); $first_Name = $rowc['first_Name']; $Name = $rowc['Name']; $Company = $rowc['Company']; $Address = $rowc['Address']; $City = $rowc['City']; $State = $rowc['State']; $ZipCode = $rowc['ZipCode']; $customer = "$Company
$first_Name $Name
$City, $State $ZipCode
$FAX"; $c_ship = "$Company
$first_Name $Name
$City, $State $ZipCode
$Phone"; $shipto = "$rec_co
$rec_city, $rec_state $rec_zip
$rec_phone"; } }//exit else $right = "So"; $special = $_POST['special']; $additem1 = $_POST[additem]; $adddesc1 = $_POST[adddesc]; $addprice1 = $_POST[addprice]; $addunit1 = $_POST[addunit]; $addqty1 = $_POST[addqty]; $addtot1 = $_POST[addtot]; mysql_select_db('ecosmar_products', $dbcnx); $newprod = $_POST['newprod']; $newqty = $_POST['newqty']; $outprod = $_POST['outprod']; if($outprod != ""){ $additem = array(); $adddesc = array(); $addprice = array(); $addunit = array(); $addqty = array(); $addtot = array(); $i = 0; $count = count($additem1); while($i < $count){ if($additem1[$i] != $outprod){ $additem[] = $additem1[$i]; $adddesc[] = $adddesc1[$i]; $addprice[] = $addprice1[$i]; $addunit[] = $addunit1[$i]; $addqty[] = $addqty1[$i]; $addtot[] = $addtot1[$i]; }//if $i = $i + 1; }//while }else{ $additem = $additem1; $adddesc = $adddesc1; $addprice = $addprice1; $addunit = $addunit1; $addqty = $addqty1; $addtot = $addtot1; } if(empty($additem)){ $opening = "Add a product by selecting, entering quantity, and clicking the green button to the right. Click Finished when all products are added."; }else{ $opening = "Continue adding products or remove a product by clicking the red button to the left. Click Finished when all products are added."; } ?>

Eco-$mart, Inc.
4411 Bee Ridge Road #344
Sarasota, FL 34233
PH. 888-329-2705   FX: 941-377-9460

Date Invoice #
Bill To: Ship To:
P.O. Number Terms Est. Delivery Project
Error Getting Product Info!
Error:" . mysql_error() . "

"); }else{ $grow = mysql_fetch_array($getadd); $gproductname = $grow[0]; $gdescription = $grow[1]; $gprice = $grow[$z]; $gunit = $grow[6]; $gminimum = $grow[7]; if($newqty == ""){ $qtymess = "Please Enter Quantity
"; $right = "Not"; $pprod = $gproductname; $pdes = $gdescription; $ppr = $gprice; $pun = $gunit; $pmin = $gminimum; }elseif($newqty < $gminimum){ $qtymess = "Minimum Order: ".$gminimum."
"; $right = "Not"; $pprod = $gproductname; $pdes = $gdescription; $ppr = $gprice; $pun = $gunit; $pmin = $gminimum; }else{ $additem[] = $gproductname; $adddesc[] = $gdescription; $addprice[] = $gprice; $addunit[] = $gunit; $addqty[] = $newqty; $addtot[] = $newqty * $gprice; } } } } $result = @mysql_query("SELECT id,productname,description,unit,minimum FROM prices ORDER BY productname"); if (!$result){ echo ("

Error Getting Product Info!
Error:" . mysql_error() . "

"); }else{ while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $pid[] = $row[0]; $productname[] = $row[1]; $description[] = $row[2]; $unit[] = $row[3]; $minimum[] = $row[4]; } } $tsum = array_sum($addtot); $total = sprintf("%01.2f", $tsum); ?>  Not including Quoted "; $pricey = "Quoted"; $totty = ""; }else{ $pry = sprintf("%01.2f", $addprice[$i]); $pricey = "$".$pry; $toy = sprintf("%01.2f", $addtot[$i]); $totty = "$".$toy; } echo(""); $i = $i + 1; } } if(!empty($addtot)){ echo(""); } ?> "); } foreach($adddesc as $value){ echo(""); } foreach($addprice as $value){ echo(""); } foreach($addunit as $value){ echo(""); } foreach($addqty as $value){ echo(""); } foreach($addtot as $value){ echo(""); } if($right == "Not"){ echo("" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . ""); }else{ echo(""); } ?>
Item Code Description Price Unit QTY Total
" . "
" . ""); foreach($additem as $value){ echo(""); } foreach($adddesc as $value){ echo(""); } foreach($addprice as $value){ echo(""); } foreach($addunit as $value){ echo(""); } foreach($addqty as $value){ echo(""); } foreach($addtot as $value){ echo(""); } echo("" . " $additem[$i]
" . "
SUB-TOTAL: $said  $$total 
$pprod$pdes$ppr$pun" . "" . "" . "" . "
" . "" . "" . "" . "
"); } foreach($adddesc as $value){ echo(""); } foreach($addprice as $value){ echo(""); } foreach($addunit as $value){ echo(""); } foreach($addqty as $value){ echo(""); } foreach($addtot as $value){ echo(""); } ?>