Progress | ![]() |
__ days |
10-01-2006 | ![]() |
10-20-2006 |
$prgrss = original number of days total (difference between $dtnum and $due, entered in DB)
$prgdiff = find the difference between current date and $due
$daysto = $prgrss - $prgdiff;
(compare $prgrss and $prgdiff to get percentage)
$prgper = $prgdiff / $prgrss; // (2 digit decimal)
percentage displays as:
width of green bar
$grbar = 300 * $prgper; (no decimal) round
////////////////////////// If on schedule, do nothing....
Check if on schedule >>>
When they change the days to -
Enter the number of days to continue.
$prgrss +
$data1 = mktime (0,0,0,5,5,2005); //specify a date1
$data2 = mktime (0,0,0,5,15,2005); //specify a date2
$differenza = ($data2 - $data1 ) / 86400;
echo " The Different $data2 - data1 = $differenza";