Eco-$mart, Inc. Video Program Proposal/Agreement
- Creative concepts and Pre Production plan development.
- Production Shoots in the field and studio.
- Log footage and create coordinated Video Library.
- Script and edit video segments in Post Production.
- Design, Programming and Authoring of DVD Glass Master.
- Video materials Encoded and Uploaded as appropriate.
- Distribution of 1000 DVD copies of Master Video among participants.
- Replication of Master DVD for individual manufacturers upon request.
- All efforts shall be made to consolidate field shoot time into 3 product manufacturers
per 10 hour work day for on site interviews where product installations have been
- All efforts shall be made to schedule field locations in near proximity to each other
to accommodate 3 product manufacturers in a single 10 hour day.
- In the best case scenario, multiple manufacturers shall use their best efforts to meet
at the same location where their products have been installed to capture interviews
with consumers, builders and manufacturers at a single site.
- Studio time shall be coordinated as necessary and shall be designed to accommodate
up to 6 product manufacturers per 10 hour work day with the studio location being
AgU Studios in Ft. Lauderdale Fl.
- Where individual manufacturers desire to have their Florida facilities serve as the
on site field location, such services shall only include detailed shots of the factory if
coordinated in advance and additional fees specific to the individual manufacturer
and location may apply.
- All manufacturers may choose to add extra scenes or additional video capture
services to the individual video segment chosen. Additional fees appropriate to the
individual manufacturers request shall need to be negotiated and coordinated in
advance of such services being performed.
- Master Video Overview of Eco-$mart and High Performance Building
Technologies: Satisfied End User Consumers and Trade Builders are the stars.
Their experiences, motivations, results and personal stories are used to relate to the
target viewers on a personal level. Their stories become the backdrop to the
educational information provided by Eco-$mart. The sections for New Construction
and Remodeling each have their own participants and product applications. Where
an individual product fits both categories, the pull down menu leads to the
appropriate product video regardless of the distinction!
- Manufacturers Premium Cut:
The manufacturer and/or his product are the star. Each manufacturer defines their
own selling points of distinction in accordance with their marketing and branding
strategies. Existing footage, still photos, testimonials or other appropriate
marketing materials are provided for review, edit and inclusion into the Premium
Cut. New footage is captured during shoot schedules performed as part of the
Master Video. Custom footage form manufacturers facility or actual job sites is
treated as an upgrade beyond the scope of the Premium Cut but can be cost effective
if coordinated in advance. Encoding and uploading onto manufacturer’s web Site
requires manufacturer’s webmaster involvement and time.
- Manufacturers Standard Cut:
The manufacturer and/or his product are the star. Each manufacturer defines their
own selling points of distinction in accordance with their marketing and branding
strategies. Existing master footage, master still photos, master art work,
testimonials or other appropriate marketing materials are provided for review, edit
and inclusion into the Standard Cut. New footage is captured during shoot
schedules performed as part of the Master Video.
- Manufacturers Product Placement:
The manufacturer’s product is the star. Each manufacturer provides master still
photos, master art work, testimonials or other appropriate marketing materials for
review, edit and inclusion into the Product Placement pull down menu portion of the
DVD. Voice-Over Taping for an individual product is available at an additional fee.
- Complete Media Product Development from Pre Production to Authoring resulting
in Delivery of the DVD 3A to Eco-$mart.
- Complete Media Product Development from Pre Production to Post Production of
Videos 3B resulting in delivery of the individual DVD to the manufacturer.
C. Complete Media Product Development from Pre Production to Post Production of
Videos 3C resulting in delivery of the individual DVD to the manufacturer.
- Encoded Video of Manufacturers Premium Cut Video 3B for Uploading onto
Manufacturers Web Site as appropriate and authorized.
- Replication of DVD Glass Master into 1000 copies to be distributed equally among
individual participating manufacturers and Eco-$mart. The actual number of copies
delivered is dependant on the total number of manufacturers who choose to
- Master Video Overview: $3,500 __________________________
- Manufacturers Premium Cut: $5,000 __________________________
- Manufacturers Standard Cut: $2,500 __________________________
- Manufacturers Product Placement: $500 __________________________
Individual manufacturers who desire additional copies of the Master DVD or additional copies
of their individual Premium or Standard Cut video segment can request such copies directly
from Big Grin Productions. Pricing will be dependant on the timing of the order with the
following estimated costs provided below:
Estimated Replication costs (not included in above pricing quote):
DVD Replication (Molded)
| Qty
| 500
| 1000
| 3000
| 5000
| 10000
| 25000
| 50000
| 100000
| |
| Price
| $3.33
| $1.93
| $1.78
| $1.67
| $1.55
| $1.46
| $1.40
| $1.34
| |
Packaging/sleeves at additional cost
THIS AGREEMENT made this day ________ of April 2005, by and between
________________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as
"Manufacturer"), and BIG GRIN PRODUCTIONS, a Florida Company (hereinafter referred to as
"Big Grin"), whereby it is agreed as follows:
- The parties desire the production of numerous thirty second to seventy five second (30 sec to 75
sec) promotional/marketing videos (hereinafter referred to as "videos") to be assembled into one
Master Product Manufacturer Consumer/Builder Video incorporating each participating
- Big Grin agrees to provide each Manufacturer with the required video for the rates and terms
defined above and herein:
- Pre- Production: Big Grin agrees to coordinate and schedule for future taping no less than three
(3) videos per 10 hour day.
- Field- Production: Big Grin agrees to tape up to 3 videos/day provided that individual
manufacturers are within a reasonable geographical radius. Each on-sight taping will be no more
that 2.5 hours per location. In addition, each Manufacturer is responsible for providing all the
talent and materials in a timely manner needed to fulfill each video production.
- Post- Production: Big Grin agrees that each 30- 45 sec videos will include no more than a 10
hour edit rate including one set of minor revisions. Videos will include library music and basic
graphic package. Any additional or major revisions, more extensive graphic package i:e 3-D
logo or reworking of concept will be billed additionally at a rate of $150/hour.
- Post- Production: Big Grin agrees that each 45- 75 sec videos will include no more than a 15
hour edit rate including one set of minor changes. Videos will include library music and basic
graphic package. Any additional or major changes, more extensive graphic package i:e 3-D logo
or reworking of concept will be billed additionally at a rate of $150/hour. Any request for
specific licensed music will be billed as negotiated.
- Payment:
Manufacturer agrees to pay Big Grin fifty percent (50%) for services prior to any work being done
and the remaining fifty percent (50%) upon completion and delivery of the video product.
- The parties agree that in the event it becomes necessary for either party to incur attorneys fees
regarding the enforcement of this Agreement, whether or not litigation is actually instituted in
order to enforce their rights under the terms of this Agreement, then the prevailing party shall be
entitled to recover reasonable attorney’s fees and costs of such action or litigation, including
appellate litigation.
By executing this Agreement in the space provided below and signing beside the video preference
option described under section 5 above, the parties hereby agree to the terms and conditions outlined and specified herein.
As to Big Grin Productions, Inc.____________________________________________
Steve Holmes, President, Executive Producer
As to Manufacturer__________________________________________________________