<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" . "
Sorry, you must Log In to view this Page

"); exit(); } $usrn = $_GET['usrn']; if($usrn == ""){ $usrn = $_POST['usrn']; } if($usrn == ""){ echo("

<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" . "
Problem with your username. Please Log In again.

"); exit(); } ?>
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Error entering Registrant into Data Base!
". 'Error:' . mysql_error() . '

'); } $to = "$email" . ","; $to .= "mross@ecosmartinc.com"; $subject = "Special Pricing at Ecosmartinc.com"; $message = "Dear $name,\r\nThank you for your interest in Eco-\$mart, Inc. You have been authorized to recieve special pricing from the Eco-\$mart Catalog On-line. Please go to http://www.ecosmartinc.com/special.php and log in using the username and password below. Then browse the catalog to see your new, lower prices.\r\n\nUsername:$username\nPassword: $password\r\n\nPlease feel free to drop us an email or give us a call with any questions and to let us know how we can be of service.\r\nSincerely,\nMatt Ross, President\nEco-\$mart, Inc.\nwww.ecosmartinc.com\ninfo@ecosmartinc.com\n888-329-2705"; $ok3 = mail($to, $subject, $message, "From: info@ecosmartinc.com"); if ($ok3) { echo("

Account has been added successfully.

"); } else { echo("

Error sending email!
" . "Error: " . mysql_error() . "

"); } ?>
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