<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" . "
Sorry, you must Log In to view this Page

"); exit(); } $usrn = $_GET['usrn']; if($usrn == ""){ $usrn = $_POST['usrn']; } if($usrn == ""){ echo("

<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" . "
Problem with your username. Please Log In again.

"); exit(); } ?>
Contacts Eco-$mart, Inc.  On-line Administration
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Could not retrieve Representative Data
' . mysql_error() .'

'; }else{ $rowa = mysql_fetch_array($ok); $repid = $rowa['ID']; $repname1 = $rowa['first_name']; $repname2 = $rowa['last_name']; $usremail = $rowa['email']; } $regchk = mysql_query("SELECT name_1,name_2,region,director FROM repcon WHERE name_1='$repname1' and name_2='$repname2'"); if(!$regchk){ echo("Could not get regional information for email."); $recipient = $usremail; }else{ $rows = mysql_fetch_array($regchk); if($rows[2] != "" and $rows[3] == 'z'){ $getregdir = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM repcon WHERE region='$rows[2]' and director='a'"); if(!$getregdir){ echo("Could not get regional director for email."); }else{ $numrows = mysql_num_rows($getregdir); $diremail = mysql_fetch_array($getregdir); if($numrows > 0){ $recipient = $usremail.",".$diremail[0]; } } }else{ $recipient = $usremail; } } $subject = "Web Contact assigned from eco-smart.com"; mysql_select_db('ecosmar_contacts', $dbcnx); $up = @mysql_query("INSERT INTO con_main SET first_Name='$first_Name',Name='$Name',Company='$Company',biztype='$biztype',Phone='$Phone',Address='$Address',City='$City',email='$email',State='$State',ZipCode='$ZipCode',dtnum='$dtnum',dtup='$dtup',usrn='$repusrn',usremail='$usremail',referred_by='Special Pricing'"); if(!$up){ echo "

Could not enter Contact in Representative Contacts
Error: ".mysql_error()."

"; }else{ $CID = mysql_insert_id(); echo("

Successful Assignment to $repusrn

"); $ok2 = @mysql_query("INSERT INTO con_activity SET CID='$CID',act_year='$act_year',act_month='$act_month',act_day='$act_day',contact_type='$web',act_respond='$act_respond',dtnum='$dtup'"); if($ok2){ echo("

Successful Addition to Activity Report

"); }else{ echo("

Error Adding to Activity Report!
Error: ".mysql_error()."

"); } $ok2b = @mysql_query("INSERT INTO con_reactivity SET CID='$CID',react_year='0',react_month='0',react_day='0',usrn='$repusrn',dtnum='$dtup'"); if($ok2b){ echo("

Contact Flagged for Action

"); }else{ echo("

Error Flagging Contact for Action!
Error: ".mysql_error()."

"); } if($note != ""){ $ok3 = @mysql_query("INSERT INTO con_notes SET CID='$CID',Notes='$note',dtnum='$dtup'"); if($ok3){ echo("

Successful Addition to this Contact Notes

"); }else{ echo("

Error Adding Contact Notes!
Error: ".mysql_error()."

"); } $message = "CONTACT TYPE: Website Special Pricing" . "\n" . "NAME: $Namely" . "\n" . "COMPANY: $Company" . "\n" . "ADDRESS: $Address" . "\n" . "CITY: $City" . "\n" . "STATE: $State" . "\n" . "ZIP: $ZipCode" . "\n" . "COUNTRY: $Country" . "\n" . "PHONE: $Phone" . "\n" . "EMAIL: $email" . "\n" . "\n" . "This Contact has been added to your Contact List." . "\n" . "Go to Eco-\$mart On-Line Administration to View and Respond to this Contact." . "\n" . "http://www.ecosmartinc.com/ecos/ecologin.htm" . "\n"; } if (@mail($recipient, $subject, $message, "From: Matt Ross " )) { echo("

Email sent to Representative

"); }else{ echo("

Error Emailing Representative!

"); } }//ifinsertedintoconmain ?>
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