$dnum = date(Ymd)*4;
$from = $_GET['fr'];
if($from == ""){
$from = $_POST['fr'];
if($from != $dnum){
echo("<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" .
Sorry, you must Log In to view this Page
$usrn = $_GET['usrn'];
if($usrn == ""){
$usrn = $_POST['usrn'];
if($usrn == ""){
echo("<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" .
Problem with your username. Please Log In again.
$id = $_GET['id'];
$dbcnx = @mysql_connect('mysql.plainhost.com', 'ecosmar_ecosmart', 'ecoman1');
mysql_select_db('ecosmar_contacts', $dbcnx);
$listem = @mysql_query("SELECT name,biz_name,address_1,address_2,city,state,zip,country,phone,email,customer_type,specify,username,password,status FROM special WHERE ID = '$id'");
if (!$listem) {
echo('Error retrieving data from data base.
' . 'Error: '. mysql_error(). '
$row = mysql_fetch_row($listem);
if($row[14] == 'hold'){
$stat1 = 'hold';
$call1 = 'hold';
$stat2 = 'wholesale';
$call2 = 'special';
$stat3 = 'dealer';
$call3 = 'dealer';
$stat4 = 'distributor';
$call4 = 'distributor';
}elseif($row[14] == 'wholesale'){
$stat1 = 'wholesale';
$call1 = 'special';
$stat2 = 'hold';
$call2 = 'hold';
$stat3 = 'dealer';
$call3 = 'dealer';
$stat4 = 'distibutor';
$call4 = 'distributor';
}elseif($row[14] == 'dealer'){
$stat1 = 'dealer';
$call1 = 'dealer';
$stat2 = 'hold';
$call2 = 'hold';
$stat3 = 'wholesale';
$call3 = 'special';
$stat4 = 'distributor';
$call4 = 'distributor';
$stat1 = 'distributor';
$call1 = 'distributor';
$stat2 = 'hold';
$call2 = 'hold';
$stat3 = 'dealer';
$call3 = 'dealer';
$stat4 = 'wholesale';
$call4 = 'special';
$cmail = $row[9];
$chkit = mysql_query("SELECT email,usrn FROM con_main WHERE email='$cmail'");
$repmess = "Could not cross reference Representative Contact.";
$numrows = mysql_num_rows($chkit);
$reprow = mysql_fetch_array($chkit);
if($numrows > 0 and $reprow[1] != "none"){
$repmess = "
Rep: ".$reprow[1]."
$repmess = "Assign Contact
Eco-$mart, Inc. On-line Administration
©2007 - Data Base Interface - Custom Built at: