<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" . "
Sorry, you must Log In to view this Page

"); exit(); } $usrn = $_GET['usrn']; if($usrn == ""){ $usrn = $_POST['usrn']; } if($usrn == ""){ echo("

<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" . "
Problem with your username. Please Log In again.

"); exit(); } ?>
Special Pricing Administration Eco-$mart, Inc.  On-line Administration



All Accounts - A General Listing of All Special Pricing Accounts
*Special Accounts - Two sources. One being assignment in Administration. The other being the automatic website special pricing module. May be occasionally presented as "Wholesale"in the Data Base.
Dealer Accounts - All Dealer Accounts
Distributor Accounts - All Distributor Accounts
Accounts on Hold - Accounts Pending Assignment of Price Level

--From any of these pages--

Click the [Edit] Link beside the Account you would like to edit. Change any of the information in the form and submit to update the Data Base.

Click on the [Delete] Link beside the Account you would like to Delete. You will warned that this Deletion cannot be undone.

*Special Account (Home Owner / End User) - Accounts Automatically Approved on the Website.

--From this page--

Click the [Upgrade] Link beside the Account you would like to upgrade. Change the status of the Account and submit to update the Special Pricing Account.

Click on the [Delete] Link beside the Account you would like to Delete. You will warned that this Deletion cannot be undone.


Authorize New Registrations - A listing of all new Registrants who have requested higher status than Home Owner / End User. You will receive an e-mail whenever new applicants are added to this page. Go to this page to approve or deny the Registration.

--From this page--

Click the [Authorize] Link beside the Account you would like to Approve. A Page will open that allows you to set the price level and authorize the account.
Be certain to select a status for the new Registrant.  Default will put the Registrant on Hold.
 1) Auto Mail to approved Account Holder(CC: to Approver).
 2) Add to Special Pricing Data Base with Upgraded Status.
 3) Remove from New Registrations Data Base.

Click the [Deny] Link beside the Account you would like to deny. You will be warned that this action deletes the Registration completely and cannot be undone.
||ACTION||    Delete from the New Registration Data Base

Add New Account
This page gives you the option of creating a Special Pricing Account manually.


Search - This page gives you several ways to search for an account.

--From the Search Results page--

Click the [Edit] Link beside the Account you would like to edit. Change any of the information in the form and submit to update the Data Base.

Click on the [Delete] Link beside the Account you would like to Delete. You will warned that this Deletion cannot be undone.

 Special Price Home   All Accounts   Special Accounts 
 Dealer Accounts   Distributor Accounts   Accounts on Hold 
 Web Authorized Special   Authorize New Account   Add New Account 
 Search Accounts   Help   Return to Your Page 
Eco-$mart Products
©2007 - Data Base Interface - Custom Built at:  kwgrubbs.com