Log in to view this page."); exit(); } $dbcnx = @mysql_connect('mysql.plainhost.com', 'ecosmar_ecosmart', 'ecoman1'); ?>
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Eco-$mart Web Site Administration

Edit WEB FEED [ HELP ]   [ WEB FEEDS ]   [ Your Page ]
Category Product Price Unit Minimum
 Image Name 
 -a" . "" . ""); }elseif($Image_Qty==2){ echo("" . "" . ""); }elseif($Image_Qty==3){ echo("" . "" . ""); }elseif($Image_Qty==4){ echo("" . "" . ""); } echo(""); echo(""); ?>
Additional Images
 -b -c -a -b -c -a -b -c -a -b -c
$Image_Name-a" . "$Image_Name-b" . " $Image_Name-c" . "
Product Description

Last Update: 
©2011 Eco-$mart, Inc. [ Return to your page ]   [ WEB FEEDS ] Delete WebFeed Delete This WebFeed

To Edit this Web Feed, change information in the form fields and click "CHANGE". Remember that any changes you make will be reflected in all web pages that refer to this Web Feed.

Category: Change the category by selecting a category from the drop down list.

Product: Change the product name by entering a new product name. Caution is advised! You may want to start a new product instead, depending on your goal.

Price: Change the retail price for this product. Product price in the Eco-$mart Product Data Base is not affected. This is strictly the Web Feed price shown on web pages referring to this Web Feed.

Unit: Change the unit that price is based on. EA = Each, SYS = System, SF = Square Feet, LF = Linear Feet

Image Name: The Image Name is the file name of the main image for this Web Feed. Do Not Include the .jpg extension. (Eg., If the main image file for the Web Feed is catac6.jpg, the Image Name is "catac6".)

Images: For security reasons, image files are added to the Web Feed only via secure ftp.ecosmartinc.com or the Hostica.com File Manager. Either way, you must have website administration access to add photos to Web Feeds.   The Main Image must be 180px by 180px and must end with the .jpg format extension. Images must be uploaded to the folder named "webfeed_images".   If an image is not displayed here, it will not be present in the Web Feed.

Add’l Images: There is a limit of 3 additional images making 4 total images. There is no image size limit, but it is recommended that the image be square for best results. All images must end with the .jpg extension. All image files must be named properly to work with this program. The main image can be named anything. Additional images must conform to the main image file name.

EXAMPLE 1: Main Image File = catac6.jpg (File Name = catac6)
                  1st Additional Image File = catac6-a.jpg
                  2nd Additional Image File = catac6-b.jpg
                  3rd Additional Image File = catac6-c.jpg

EXAMPLE 2: Main Image File = ceiling_light.jpg (File Name = ceiling_light)
                  1st Additional Image File = ceiling_light-a.jpg
                  2nd Additional Image File = ceiling_light-b.jpg
                  3rd Additional Image File = ceiling_light-c.jpg

Additional images are alphabetically ordered for inclusion on a web page using this Web Feed. (-a,-b,-c)

Status: Change status to show or hide the Web Feed. Remember that hiding the Web Feed will make it inaccessible to web pages referring to this Web Feed. Although there are safety mechanisms in place on these pages to deal with a missing Web Feed, hiding it will remove the product from Affiliated Web Sites.

Last Update: Any time a change is made to this Web Feed, the update date is automatically recorded.


"); }//4each }//airs is not empty ?>