$referers = array ('ecosmartinc.com','www.ecosmartinc.com',' 1'); function check_referer($referers) {if (count($referers)){ $found = false; $temp = explode("/",getenv("HTTP_REFERER")); $referer = $temp[2]; if ($referer==""){ $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; list($remove,$stuff)=split('//',$referer,2); list($home,$stuff)=split('/',$stuff,2); $referer = $home; } for ($x=0; $x < count($referers); $x++){ if (eregi ($referers[$x], $referer)){ $found = true; } } if ($referer ==""){ $found = false; } if (!$found){ echo("You are coming from an unauthorized domain."); exit(); } return $found; }else{ return true; } } if (!check_referer($referers)) { } ?>
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Assign Web Contact | Help |
$dtup = date(Ymd);
$act_year = date(Y);
$act_month = date(m);
$act_day = date(d);
$act_respond = 'positive';
$web = 'Web';
$ID = $_POST['ID'];
$Contact_Type = $_POST['Contact_Type'];
$Product = $_POST['Product'];
$item_no = $_POST['item_no'];
$Name = $_POST['Name'];
$name_list = explode(" ",$Name);
$name_count = count($name_list);
if($name_count == 1){
$last_name = $name_list[0];
}elseif($name_count == 2){
$first_name = $name_list[0];
$last_name = $name_list[1];
}elseif($name_count == 3){
$first_name = $name_list[0]." ".$name_list[1];
$last_name = $name_list[2];
}elseif($name_count == 4){
$first_name = $name_list[0]." ".$name_list[1];
$last_name = $name_list[2]." ".$name_list[3];
$Title = $_POST['Title'];
$Company = $_POST['Company'];
$biztype = $_POST['biztype'];
$Address = $_POST['Address'];
$City = $_POST['City'];
$State = $_POST['State'];
$ZipCode = $_POST['ZipCode'];
$Country = $_POST['Country'];
$Phone = $_POST['Phone'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$Project_Type = $_POST['Project_Type'];
$Project_Description = $_POST['Project_Description'];
$Project_Des = stripslashes($Project_Description);
$FAX = $_POST['FAX'];
$repusrn = $_POST['repusrn'];
$memo = $_POST['memo'];
$mem = stripslashes($memo);
$dtnum= $_POST['dtnum'];
$chunk_dtnum = chunk_split($dtnum, 2, ':');
$chunk_arr = explode(":", $chunk_dtnum);
$datus = $chunk_arr[2].'-'.$chunk_arr[3].'-'.$chunk_arr[0].$chunk_arr[1];
$dbcnx = @mysql_connect('mysql.plainhost.com', 'ecosmar_ecosmart', 'ecoman1');
mysql_select_db('ecosmar_website', $dbcnx);
$ok = @mysql_query("SELECT ID,first_name,last_name,email FROM psw WHERE usrn='$repusrn'");
if (!$ok) {
echo ' Could not retrieve Representative Data Could not enter Contact in Representative Contacts Successful Addition to Activity Report Error Adding to Activity Report! Contact Flagged for Action Error Flagging Contact for Action! Successful Addition to this Contact Notes Error Adding Contact Notes! Quote Request Recorded Error Adding Quote Request! Email sent to Representative Error Emailing Representative! "); } } } ?> |
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