Add to My Catalog"; }else{ $mycat_link="My Catalog"; } $item="IAQ-C-Filler"; $items[]="IAQ-C-Filler"; $itemnames[]="Mold Preventing Filler"; ?>

Indoor Air Quality

Price: Quoted " . "Quote Request"); } ?>

Filler for joints and finish coat is a special, highly adhesive, gypsum-free compound. Hydrolytic curing creates a surface that conducts capillary water to dry out quickly. Highly alkaline composition denies mold a place to grow. For use with our interior and insulating boards as well as other appropriate mineral surfaces. " . "Technical Sheet PDF"); } ?>

 for the application on Mold Preventing Interior System Boards and Insulation Boards.

 cures hydraulically
 conducts capillary water
 is highly alkaline
 has high adhesive power

Mold Preventing Filler

Compatible Components:
 Mold Preventing Board
 Interior Insulation Board
 Special Adhesive
 Special Primer

" . "" . "" . "©2010 Eco-\$mart, Inc." . "    (888) 329-2705" . "" . "" . "
"); }else{ echo("" . "" . "
" . "


" . "  << Return to $subcat" . "
" . "" . " ©2010 Eco-\$mart, Inc." . "   (888) 329-2705" . "" . "" . "" . " QUOTE " . "" . " PRINT " . "
"); echo("
" . "
" . "
" . "" . "
" . "" . "
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" . "" . "
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" . " Eco-\$mart Representative $repped Logged In. 

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" . "
" . "" . "
" . "Eco-\$mart Quotes" . "  Add Products:" . "
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"); }//in array with dealer prices $i=$i+1; }//while counting assepted items }//accepted items echo("TO:   " . "" . "" . "" . "" . "
" . "
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"); }//air is not empty }//print is not yes ?>