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Commercial and Residential Water Cooled Air Conditioning

"Demand-Buster" Thermal-Loop Commercial Retrofit System
This Energy Efficiency retrofit will yield reductions of peak kW demand from 30% - 60%. The Thermal~Flow Demand-Buster Evaporative Condenser Retrofit system can utilize the existing AC compressor, or a new high efficiency Thermal~Flow compressor module can be installed.

The Thermal~Flow evaporative fluid cooler tower is the only closed circuit tower that is lightweight enough to be installed on a roof with out structural upgrades. The unique design of the Demand-Buster Thermal-Loop system allows one fluid cooler to service a number of roof top HVAC systems. The largest amount of savings occurs during the heat of the day thereby offsetting expensive peak demand charges that many utilities are now charging commercial customers. Many utilities offer rebate or financial incentive programs aimed at commercial users of peak kW demand. A Thermal~Flow Demand-Buster HVAC Retrofit can double the operating efficiency at half the cost of replacing the equipment, and qualify for utility demand reduction program incentives.

Chilled Water System " . "Demand Buster Overview PDF" . "
Case Study: Home Depot Report PDF"); } ?>

Engineered for Commercial Roof-Top Retrofit Applications:

  •  Light Weight, Modular, Durable, Low Maintenance requiring no Structural Upgrades      140mph Tie-Down Engineering PDF"); } ?>
  •  30%-60% Reduction in Peak kW
  •  Up to 17 EER Performance
  •  Proven Commercial Water Cooled Technology with a Record of Operational Success
  •  15 Year Limited Warranty
One Unit Services Three AC Units
30-ton Demand-Buster System servicing three 10-Ton commercial roof top unitary systems.

Patented Evaporative Fluid Cooler features:

  •  Construction: All fiberglass cabinet, cannot corrode. High quality materials throughout. High Efficiency evaporative design allows one tower to service multiple HVAC systems in Thermal-Loop.
  •  Water Spray Nozzles: Durable plastic, non-corrosive and non-fouling.
  •  Fans: Aluminum, epoxy coated frame, and precision balanced plastic blades for quiet, trouble-free service.
  •  Service: Easy access for routine maintenance
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