Add to My Catalog"; }else{ $mycat_link="My Catalog"; } $item="AC-WCAC-WSHP"; $dbcnx = new mysqli('localhost', 'ecoszzqh_produser', 'cata1og', 'ecoszzqh_products'); $unit="SYS"; ?>

Commercial and Residential Water Cooled Air Conditioning

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Commercial and Residential Water Source Heat Pump Systems
Compact cooling towers outside the buildings send cool water to create lower condensing temperatures for small heat pumps inside each living unit. In cooling mode, heat rejected from dwelling into water loop can be run through domestic hot water to save water heating costs. Single cooling towers can serve multiple dwellings, while separately metering indoor heat pump energy use for accurate billing. Cooling tower uses minimal energy and maintenance, appropriate for shared central operations fees.
Water Source Heat Pump System
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