$print = $_GET['print']; $ctd=$_GET['ctd']; if($print == "yes"){ if($ctd==""){ $goprint = "onLoad='javascript:printWindow()'"; }//if not coming from mycatalog $status=""; $repped=""; $pgbg="white"; }else{ $goprint = "onLoad='runSlideShow()'"; $pgbg="#BDDEA0"; } $subcat = "Panelized Steel Hybrid Building Shell"; $back = "catbuild8.php"; $here = "catbuild8_models.php"; $mycat=$_COOKIE['ecosmartmycat']; $page_name = "catbuild8_models"; $here=$page_name.".php"; $hereprint=$here."?print=yes"; $mycathere=$page_name.".php"; $page=$page_name;//change folder if needed $prodname="Panelized Steel Hybrid Building Shell Models"; if($mycat!=""){ $mycat_link="Add to My Catalog"; }else{ $mycat_link="My Catalog"; } $prodname="PSHBS Models"; $item="BE-PSHBS-"; $unit="Complete"; ?>
///////|Arrays| for models - Fill in a new set for a new model, Delete a set for removal ///////SETS: |MOD| = Model name /////////////NOTE: model name will be used to identify the img thumbnail and detail PDF. ////////////////// Both must be present in eco-smart.org/flooplans folder for proper display and linking. ////////////////// Example: PSHBS_Lauren.jpg, 1-ES-PSHBS-Model-Lauren.pdf //////|BR| = Bedrooms, |BT| = Bathrooms, |GRG|= Garage (if there is no garage, enter empty string ""), |SQF| = Square Feet $MOD[] = "Brittany"; $BR[] = "4"; $BT[] = "2"; $GRG[] = ""; $SQF[] = "1480"; $MOD[] = "Laila"; $BR[] = "2"; $BT[] = "1"; $GRG[] = ""; $SQF[] = "867"; $MOD[] = "Lauren"; $BR[] = "3"; $BT[] = "2"; $GRG[] = ""; $SQF[] = "1115"; $MOD[] = "Lola"; $BR[] = "2"; $BT[] = "1"; $GRG[] = ""; $SQF[] = "874"; $MOD[] = "Wesley"; $BR[] = "2"; $BT[] = "1"; $GRG[] = ""; $SQF[] = "891"; $MOD[] = "Dorms"; $BR[] = "9-18"; $BT[] = "6-12"; $GRG[] = ""; $SQF[] = "2833-5666"; $MOD[] = "ReliefHomes"; $BR[] = "1 / 2"; $BT[] = "1"; $GRG[] = ""; $SQF[] = "365 / 564"; $MOD[] = "ReliefHousing"; $BR[] = "6"; $BT[] = "6"; $GRG[] = ""; $SQF[] = "1200"; ?>
Cottage Series
A Flexible Model to fit your needs
No models in the Data Base.
"); }else{ while($i < $modcount){ $cutname = substr($MOD[$i], 0, 4); $item = "BE-PSHBS-".$cutname; $modimg = "" .
"$MOD[$i] " . "$modimg " . "Item: $item " . "Bedrooms: $BR[$i] " . "Baths: $BT[$i] "); if($GRG[$i] != ""){ echo("Garage: $GRG[$i] Car "); } echo("Square Feet: $SQF[$i] " . "$modfile" . " QUOTE " . " |
" . "" . "©2010 Eco-\$mart, Inc." . " (888) 329-2705" . " info@eco-smart.com" . " www.eco-smart.com" . " |
" .
" $mycat_link " . " << Return to $subcat" . " | ||
" . "" . "©2010 Eco-\$mart, Inc." . " (888) 329-2705" . " info@eco-smart.com" . " www.eco-smart.com" . " | " . " QUOTE " . " | " . " PRINT " . " |