The Eco-$mart Catalog
    Eco-$mart Eco-Rubber
Healthy, Efficient, Disaster Resistant Products for Better Living

Healthy, Efficient, Disaster Resistant Products for Better Living


Equestrian Facility Surfaces

Eco-Rubber Equestrian Service

Eco-rubber Equestrian Pavers and Wall Tiles are manufactured using recycled SBR tire rubber as the primary ingredient. Pavers deliver unmatched durability for years of performance even under harsh weather conditions and the constant pounding of horses� hoofs. Dense, slip resistant composition and thick support make these pavers ideal for many equestrian facility applications. With 4 standard pigmented earth tones, Pavesafe enhances the professional appearance of any equestrian facility.

Pavers are specially designed for easy handling and installation. Each paver is manufactured in the form of a 7-3/4� long dog-bone to interlock with adjacent pavers when installed with or without adhesives on site. Wall tiles are also available and are molded in 1 meter x 1/2 meter shapes, scored to appear as 2 separate square tiles.

Item Product Dimension
ER-EQ-Paver Pavers 7 3/4" x 6 1/4" x 4 3/8"
ER-EQ-Wall Wall Tiles 39 3/8" x 19 5/8" (1m x 0.5m)
ER-EQ-Border Border Edges 2" x 3’ 3" x 10"
ER-EQ-Bevel Beveled Edge 12" x 3’ 3" 13/16" / 7/16"
Curbing &
1 11/16" / 7/16"
Item Number: ER-EQ-

Price: Quoted

   Paddock Areas
   Winners’ Circles
   Barn Aisles
   Wash Stalls

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Made from Recycled Materials
Eco-Rubber is made using recycled rubber, reducing pollution from incineration and landfill.
Eco-$mart was founded on principles of, and operates with guidance from the nonprofit Florida House Institute for Sustainable Development.
©2011 Eco-$mart, Inc.Toll-free Phone:(888) 329-2705Outside US: 941-377-9460