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Item Number:
Poured In Place Walk

Eco-rubber Pour in Place Rainbow Turf� adds long lasting color to landscapes. Rainbow Turf� subsitutes for traditional loose-fill materials and mulches. Rubber and non-toxic binder create a permanent trail or landscape feature. Combine with our Edge Lock Flexible Curbing to create beautiful, low maintenance landscape designs that are environmentally safe. Recycled Materials

Eco-rubber Pour in Place Rainbow Turf™ is manufactured using 100% Recycled Rubber from discarded automobile and truck tires.

Uses Include: " . "[More Pictures]"); } ?>
Landscape Areas   Nature Trails   Golf Courses   Playgrounds   Indoor Atriums & Malls   Hotel Courtyard Architectural Designs   Theme Parks   Miniature Golf Courses   Flower Beds   Horse Training Facilities

Pour In Place Rainbow Turf can be purchased in 60 lb. bags, 1600 lb super sacks, or full container loads drop-shipped to your location.
Contact Eco-$mart for Details.

How Much Do I Need?

Jungle Turf
Jungle Turf
Rainbow Turf
Rainbow Turf
Rustic Turf
Rustic Turf
Multitude of Applications Features & Benefits
 Does Not Deteriorate
 Averts Nesting of Insects
 Resilient Safety Surface
 Will Not Float
 Maintains Fresh Appearance
 Does Not Compact
 ASTM Tested
 CPSC Approved
 Anti-Fatique Surface
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