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    Earth Friendly Flooring
Healthy, Efficient, Disaster Resistant Products for Better Living

Healthy, Efficient, Disaster Resistant Products for Better Living

Earthweave Bio-Floor
100% Natural Carpet
Bio-degradable Carpet

Bio-Floor is a carpet unlike any other produced in North America. It is COMPLETELY BIODEGRADEABLE. This is achieved through the use of only 100% natural raw materials. The Bio-Floor line is made with a face fiber of 100% natural wool. All natural materials are used for the backing. 100% Natural Pigments and Bonding Agents, no harsh chemicals or dyes of any kind. All of these elements add up to make a product that is beautiful to look at yet sacrifices nothing in the way of our commitment to indoor air quality and the environment.

Item Number:
Unit of Issue:
   Square Foot
Price: Quoted

4 Styles and
Wool Padding

The Bio-Floor line is used extensively by those suffering from chemical sensitivity as well as those that are concerned about the environment. We have gone to great lengths to design a product that meets the demands of these clients yet sacrifices nothing in the way of styling, comfort and durability.

Earthweave Bio-Floor uses all natural materials
Eco-$mart was founded on principles of, and operates with guidance from the nonprofit Florida House Institute for Sustainable Development.
©2009 Eco-$mart, Inc.Toll-free Phone:(888) 329-2705Outside US: 941-377-9460