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Residential Rainwater
Harvesting System Typical Installation

Eco-$mart offers complete Rainwater Harvesting Systems that are ready to install with capacities ranging from 205 to 1650 gallons. 5 standard sizes include two with a round tank, two with a slim-line tank, and one with a pillow or bladder tank for installation under a stem-wall or deck. The systems are created to be easily installed in a weekend. Skilled installers can install any system in less than a day. All standard system packages are complete and let you easily and quickly become a Rainwater Harvester.

Item Number: WS-R2I-

Unit of Issue: System

Quote Request

Systems are delivered as Kits, with all the hardware necessary to get connected fast. Instructions included.

Connection Kit 3/4 HP Pump Kit HDPE Tanks

Hover over the pictures

5 Standard Systems
Model Tank Connector Kit Pump Kit
A-1650 1650 gallon Round HDPE* X X
P-1000 1000 gallon Pillow X X
A-620 620 gallon Slim-line HDPE* X X
A-305 305 gallon Slim-line HDPE* X X
A-205 205 gallon Round HDPE* X  

Tanks are made from High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and are resistant to degradation from UV light.

Connection Kit includes all components needed to connect from Gutter to Tank.

Pump Kit includes 3/4 hp, 17 gpm pump with green poly cover, and all components needed to connect from Tank to Pump.

Optional Tank Colors * HDPE Tanks available in
Green, Brown, Tan, Red & Black
Eco-$mart offers Custom Designed, Professionally Installed Rainwater Harvesting Systems.
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