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Sun Energy™ Roofing Tiles Sun Energy Roofing Tiles

Sun Energy™ Tiles use high-efficiency poly-crystalline solar cells to deliver more watts per square foot than regular roof mounted solar panels and BIPV products with thin-film solar technology. More energy from less space means the system pays for itself more quickly, and saves you more than a standard roof mount. They are also UL listed and eligible for rebates and incentives including the federal 30% tax credit as well as state and utility rebates. Combine the smooth aesthetic look with the energy bill savings and Sun Energy Shingles are sure to increase the value of your home as well!

Sun Energy Roofing Tile Integration

Environmentally Responsible
Each month, a two kilowatt solar roof can:

 !tinydiamond.gif Replace 300 lbs. of coal

 !tinydiamond.gif Prevent 600 lbs. of CO2 emissions

 !tinydiamond.gif Conserve 210 gallons of water

Sun Energy Roofing Tile Integration
 Monthly Energy $avings Example*
Monthly electricity use:  956 kWh AC Monthly electric bill:  $238.14
Monthly electricity production from solar system:  662 kWh AC New monthly electric bill:  $34.71
Monthly electricity consumption from utility:  294 kWh AC Monthly savings:  $203.43
*This is a California residential example. Other areas may see different results.
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Solar Energy Resources