"; $libdotnew = " "; $mycat=$_COOKIE['ecosmartmycat']; $page_name = "catwheat20"; $here=$page_name.".php"; $hereprint=$here."?print=yes"; $mycathere=$page_name.".php"; $page=$page_name;//change folder if needed $prodname="Active Solar Water Heating"; if($mycat!=""){ $mycat_link="Add to My Catalog"; }else{ $mycat_link="My Catalog"; } ?>

Active Solar Water Heating
Active Solar Water Heating

Item Number: WH-Active-

Unit of Issue: System

Price: Quoted

Quote Request

" . "
" . "
" . "" . "
" . "" . "
"); $dbcnx = new mysqli('localhost', 'ecoszzqh_produser', 'cata1og', 'ecoszzqh_products'); $getcats = $dbcnx->query("SELECT cat_name,catpage FROM cats ORDER BY cat_name"); if(!$getcats){ $air[]="Could not get categories for menu. Error: "; }else{ while ($row = $getcats->fetch_row()) { echo("" . "
"); }//while fetching cats }//got cats echo("" . "
" . "" . "
"); ?>
RID: $ref_RID

"); ?>