Eco-Flector Window Retrofit
The See-Through Radiant Barrier
Eco-Flector Window Retrofit is a See Through Insulating Panel or Shade retrofitted to the inside of existing windows, doors or skylights. Regardless of your present heating and cooling system Eco-Flector Window Retrofit can save up to 40% of energy costs, extend the life of your HVAC system, and make your home or building a more comfortable place.
Eco-Flector systems reducing heat gain through windows by lowering the heat transmission. The ability to reflect the heat combined with the material properties of high heat resistance, and high heat deflection provide superior window insulating performance. The ability to contain the comfort and restrict the heat from entering the building through the windows reduces cooling costs. Cool day lighting through the shading systems is the multiplying factor for energy efficiency. Eco-Flector Panels are PVC free and flame retardent.