Brac Greywater System

Brac Greywater Systems can reduce your home’s water use by 30%. This saves you money while helping to save the environment. A Brac System will pay for itself, and pay dividends in the future with a clean, abundant water supply for our children and their children to come.

Residential Systems

Item Numbers:

Unit of Issue: System

Price: Quoted







Sump System

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Commercial Capacity Brac Systems
898 to 5226 Gallon Capacity

WS-Brac-CGW-3400  WS-Brac-CGW-4200
WS-Brac-CGW-5000  WS-Brac-CGW-6600
WS-Brac-CGW-13200  WS-Brac-CGW-19800

Global water consumption has risen almost tenfold since 1900. Many parts of the world are now reaching the limits of their supply. World population is expected to increase by 45% in the next thirty years, while freshwater runoff is expected to increase by 10%. UNESCO has predicted that by 2020 water shortage will be a serious worldwide problem.

It’s time to become water efficient! This involves reassessing our relationship with water, and learning to use it more sparingly. On the most basic level, it requires a behavioural change, and assigning a value to water that truly reflects its worth.

The Brac Greywater System is the solution! It is composed of patented, state-of-the-art components that filter used water from your shower, bath and laundry, and then reuses it for your toilet’s evacuation system.

A Brac System saves
water every day.