Eco-$mart Buildings

Panelized Steel Hybrid Building Shell
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Fast construction times. Strong durable buildings.

Emergency construction
multiple dwellings Disaster Relief Housing - 6 unit model
  • Three Models from 3 to 6 Units Each
  • Steel Insulated Wall & Roof Panels 5 1/2"
  • Metal Decking & Vinyl siding
  • Engineered for up to 160 mph
  • Cold Formed Steel Interior Walls
  • All steel 50 KSI / G60 Galvanized
  • R-Value 24
Move-in in 3 Days!
Floor Plans PDF
Fast construction
single dwellings Disaster Relief Housing - Long Term Solutions
  • Two Models - 365 and 564 Square Feet
  • Steel Insulated Wall Panels 5 1/2 "
  • Cold Formed Steel Trusses w/ Metal Decking
  • Engineered for up to 160 mph Winds
  • Cold Formed Steel Interior Walls
  • All Steel 50 KSI / G60 Galvanized
  • Open Cell Sprayfoam Attic Insulation
Move-in in 5-7 Days!
Floor Plans PDF
Factory in a Box

The PSHBS factory can be placed on site, anywhere in the world, saving time, transportation costs, money, and utilizing local labor.

Housing Factory in a Box
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