
Eco-Rubber Equestrian Tiles

39.375 x 19.625 inches

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Product Dimensions: 39.375 x 19.625 inches

Color: Black,Terracotta Red,Forest Green,Slate Gray

Product Tags: Eco-Rubber,

Unit of Sale: each

Additional Product Certifications: 39 3/8″ x 19 5/8″ (1m x 0.5m)

Additional Information and Specifications: “Eco-rubber Equestrian Tiles are manufactured using recycled SBR tire rubber as the primary ingredient. Pavers deliver unmatched durability for years of performance even under harsh weather conditions and the constant pounding of horses’ hoofs. Dense, slip resistant composition and thick support make these pavers ideal for many equestrian facility applications. With 4 standard pigmented earth tones, Pavesafe enhances the professional appearance of any equestrian facility.
Pavers are specially designed for easy handling and installation. Each paver is manufactured in the form of a 7-3/4” long dog-bone to interlock with adjacent pavers when installed with or without adhesives on site.

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