Problems occurred when trying to check ship to record."); $er='on'; }else{ $outshiprows = mysql_num_rows($outshipchk); if($outshiprows > 0){ $outship = mysql_query("DELETE FROM q_ship WHERE QID='$QID' LIMIT 1"); if(!$outship){ echo("
Problems occurred when trying to delete ship to record."); $er='on'; }else{ $go = "go"; } }//ship rows is more than zero }//ship checked $prodcountout=0; $outprodchk=mysql_query("SELECT item FROM q_products WHERE QID='$QID'"); if(!$outprodchk){ echo("
Problems occurred when trying to check product record."); $er='on'; }else{ $outprodrows = mysql_num_rows($outprodchk); if($outprodrows > 0){ while($row = mysql_fetch_array($outprodchk)){ $outprods[] = $row[0]; }//while getting product rows foreach($outprods as $value){ $outem = mysql_query("DELETE FROM q_products WHERE QID='$QID' AND item='$value' LIMIT 1"); if(!$outem){ echo("
Problems occurred when trying to delete $value."); $er='on'; }else{ $prodcountout=$prodcountout+1; } }//4 each if($prodcountout==$outprodrows){ $go='go'; } }//product rows are greater than nothing }//prods checked $outquote=mysql_query("DELETE FROM quotes WHERE ID='$QID' LIMIT 1"); if(!$outquote){ echo("
Problems occurred when trying to delete Quote $QID."); $er='on'; }else{ $go='go'; }//outed quote if($where=="Home" AND $go=='go'){ header("Location: $redirecthome"); }elseif($where=="Contact" AND $go=='go'){ header("Location: $redirectcon"); }else{ echo("
ERROR: Cannot continue. Could not erase quote. Back to My Page"); exit(); } }//hold is no else{//hold is yes if($where=="Home"){ header("Location: $redirecthome"); }elseif($where=="Contact"){ header("Location: $redirectcon"); }else{ echo("
ERROR: Cannot redirect. Back to My Page"); exit(); } }//hold is yes }//back is yes ?> Eco-$mart Quote Cannot continue. No Representative.

"); exit(); } if($usr != ""){ $bocko=$usr; }elseif($reg!=""){ $bocko=$reg; }else{ $bocko=$usrn; } $flownumbers=$_POST['flownumbers']; $flownos=explode(":",$flownumbers); $floQID=$flownos[0]; $floCID=$flownos[1]; $dbcnx = @mysql_connect('', 'ecosmar_ecosmart', 'ecoman1'); mysql_select_db('ecosmar_contacts', $dbcnx); $CID = $_GET['CID']; if($CID == ""){ $CID = $_POST['CID']; } if($CID == ""){ $CID = $floCID; } if($CID == ""){ echo("

Cannot continue. No Contact Information.

"); exit(); }else{ $nogos=array(); ///get contact info -- Bill to $contact = mysql_query("SELECT ID,first_Name,Name,Company,Phone,Address,City,email,State,ZipCode,alt_con,price_level FROM con_main WHERE ID='$CID'"); if(!$contact){ echo("

Cannot continue. Incomplete Contact Information.

"); exit(); }else{ $row = mysql_fetch_array($contact); $CID = $row['ID']; $first_Name = $row['first_Name']; $Name = $row['Name']; $Company = $row['Company']; $Phone = $row['Phone']; $Address = $row['Address']; $City = $row['City']; $con_email = $row['email']; $State = $row['State']; $ZipCode = $row['ZipCode']; $price_level = $row['price_level']; if($price_level == "Wholesale"){ $stat = "dealer"; }elseif($price_level == "Dealer"){ $stat = "dealer"; }else{ $stat = "special"; } }//contacted }//there is a contact ID number //check to see if QID is there if it is, action is update, if not, action is insert $QID = $_GET['QID']; if($QID == ""){ $QID = $_POST['QID']; } if($QID == ""){ $QID = $floQID; } mysql_select_db('ecosmar_inv', $dbcnx); if($QID == ""){ $act = mysql_query("INSERT INTO quotes SET CID='$CID',usrn='$usrn',started='$dtnum'"); if(!$act){ $air[] = "Could Not Initialize New Quote."; //echo mysql_error(); }else{ $QID = mysql_insert_id(); $suc[] = "New Quote Initialized."; } $termsbg="yellow"; $zipstyle="background-color:yellow;"; $phonestyle="background-color:yellow;"; }//QID is not present else{//QID is present mysql_select_db('ecosmar_inv', $dbcnx); $getship = mysql_query("SELECT Name,Company,Phone,Address,City,State,ZipCode FROM q_ship WHERE QID='$QID'"); if(!$getship){ $air[]="Cannot get Ship To information."; }else{ $rowsh = mysql_fetch_array($getship); $shipName = $rowsh['Name']; $shipCompany = $rowsh['Company']; $shipPhone = $rowsh['Phone']; $shipAddress = $rowsh['Address']; $shipCity = $rowsh['City']; $shipState = $rowsh['State']; $shipZipCode = $rowsh['ZipCode']; }//got ship to if($Address==$shipAddress and $ZipCode==$shipZipCode){ $shiptocheck="CHECKED"; }else{ $shiptocheck=""; } //////////////////////////////////ship in///////////////////////////////// $newshipprice=$_POST['newshipprice']; if($newshipprice!=""){ $newshipitem=$_POST['newshipitem']; $newshipcar=$_POST['carrier']; $newshipconfig=$_POST['shipconfig']; mysql_select_db('ecosmar_inv', $dbcnx); $upshippy=mysql_query("UPDATE q_products SET shipprice='$newshipprice',shipcar='$newshipcar',shipcon='$newshipconfig' WHERE QID='$QID' AND item='$newshipitem'"); if(!$upshippy){ $air[]="Could not update ".$newshipitem; }else{ $suc[]=$newshipitem." Shipping Cost Updated."; } }///new ship price is not blank ///////////////////////////////////forceship $forceship=$_POST['forceship']; if($forceship=="force"){ $nogos[]="no"; $newshipitem=$_POST['newshipitem']; $weight=$_POST['weight']; $carrier=$_POST['carrier']; $crr_phone=$_POST['crr_phone']; $phony=$_POST['phony']; $o_code=$_POST['o_code']; $newshipprice=99999.99; mysql_select_db('ecosmar_inv', $dbcnx); $forceit=mysql_query("UPDATE q_products SET shipprice='$newshipprice',shipcar='$carrier',shipcon='open' WHERE QID='$QID' AND item='$newshipitem'"); if(!$forceit){ $air[]="Could not force manual shipping for ".$newshipitem; }else{ $suc[]=$newshipitem." - Manual Shipping Cost"; } $mess="Shipping for ".$newshipitem." not calculated automatically. AVAILABLE INFORMATION:"; if($weight!=""){ $mess .="-- Unit Weight: ".$weight."lbs."; }else{ $mess .="-- No Available Weight"; } if($carrier!=""){ $mess .="-- Carrier: ".$carrier; }else{ $mess .="-- Best Carrier"; } if($crr_phone!=""){ $mess .="-- ".$phony." Phone: ".$crr_phone; }else{ $mess .="-- No Phone Available."; } if($o_code!=""){ $mess .="-- Ship From: ".$o_code; }else{ $mess .="-- Ship From Not Available."; } $by="Web Admin"; $title="Eco-\$mart Shipping"; $noteit=mysql_query("INSERT INTO q_notes SET QID='$QID',CID='$CID',author='$by',who='$title',messon='$mess',datnum='$today',dtnum='$dtnumnum'"); if(!$noteit){ $air[]="Could not update notes for shipping."; }else{ $suc[]="Notes for shipping updated."; }//noted it }//forceshipison //////////////////////////////////////////BEGIN UPDATING/////////////////////////////////////////// $uppy = $_POST['uppy']; if($uppy == "yes"){ mysql_select_db('ecosmar_inv', $dbcnx); $shipto = $_POST['shipto']; if($shipto == "same"){ $shiptocheck = "CHECKED"; $shipName = $first_Name." ".$Name; $shipCompany = $Company; $shipAddress = $Address; $shipCity = $City; $shipState = $State; $shipZipCode = $ZipCode; $shipPhone = $Phone; }else{ $shiptocheck = ""; $shipName = $_POST['shipName']; $shipCompany = $_POST['shipCompany']; $shipAddress = $_POST['shipAddress']; $shipCity = $_POST['shipCity']; $shipState = $_POST['shipState']; $shipZipCode = $_POST['shipZipCode']; $shipPhone = $_POST['shipPhone']; } if($shipName =="" and $shipCompany =="" or $shipAddress =="" or $shipZipCode =="" or $shipPhone==""){ $air[]="Not enough Ship To information. Reverting to Same As"; $shiptocheck = "CHECKED"; $shipName = $first_Name." ".$Name; $shipCompany = $Company; $shipAddress = $Address; $shipCity = $City; $shipState = $State; $shipZipCode = $ZipCode; $shipPhone = $Phone; } //shipping address resolution $checkit = mysql_query("SELECT ID from q_ship WHERE QID='$QID'"); if(!$checkit){ $air[]="Could not check Ship To record."; //echo mysql_error(); }else{ $shiprows = mysql_num_rows($checkit); if($shiprows < 1){ $shipin = mysql_query("INSERT INTO q_ship SET QID='$QID',Name='$shipName',Company='$shipCompany',Phone='$shipPhone',Address='$shipAddress',City='$shipCity',State='$shipState',ZipCode='$shipZipCode'"); if(!$shipin){ $air[]="Could not update Ship To."; }else{ $suc[]="Ship To updated."; }//shipinned }//no Ship To record present no shiprows else{//Ship to record present $shipin = mysql_query("UPDATE q_ship SET Name='$shipName',Company='$shipCompany',Phone='$shipPhone',Address='$shipAddress',City='$shipCity',State='$shipState',ZipCode='$shipZipCode' WHERE QID='$QID'"); if(!$shipin){ $air[]="Could not update Ship To."; }else{ $suc[]="Ship To updated."; }//shipinned }//Ship to record present }//checkedit //END shipping address resolution //update quote information $PO = $_POST['PO']; $Terms = $_POST['Terms']; $due = $_POST['due']; $Project = $_POST['Project']; $upinfo = mysql_query("UPDATE quotes SET PO='$PO',Terms='$Terms',due='$due',Project='$Project' WHERE ID='$QID'"); if(!$upinfo){ $air[]="Could not update Quote Information."; //echo mysql_error(); }else{ $suc[]="Quote Information Updated."; } }///uppy is yes ///////////////////////////////////////////editing q_product list////////////////////////////////////////////// $editproducts = $_POST['editproducts']; if($editproducts == 'yes'){ $ed_prod_items=$_POST[ed_prod_items]; $prod_outers=$_POST[prod_outers]; $prod_edders=$_POST[prod_edders]; $ed_prod_qty=$_POST[ed_prod_qty]; $unautoship=$_POST[unautoship]; mysql_select_db('ecosmar_inv', $dbcnx); //////////////////////////////////////DELETE PRODS if(!empty($prod_outers)){ foreach($prod_outers as $value){ $outy=mysql_query("DELETE FROM q_products WHERE QID='$QID' and item='$value' LIMIT 1"); if(!$outy){ $air[]="Could not Delete ".$value."."; }else{ $suc[]="$value Deleted."; }//outed }//4each outs }//if outs are in the array ////////////////////////////////////////UPDATE PRODS//////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(!empty($prod_edders)){ $i=0; $counte = count($ed_prod_items); while($i < $counte){ if(in_array($ed_prod_items[$i],$prod_edders)){ mysql_select_db('ecosmar_products', $dbcnx); $checkmin = mysql_query("SELECT $stat,dealer_lo,unit,lo_units,cs,min FROM price WHERE item='$ed_prod_items[$i]'"); if(!$checkmin){ $air[]="Could not check". $ed_prod_items[$i]." for minimum quantity.".mysql_error(); }else{//checked minimum $rowch = mysql_fetch_array($checkmin); $dealer=$rowch[0]; $dealer_lo=$rowch[1]; $unit=$rowch[2]; $lo_units=$rowch[3]; $cs=$rowch[4]; $min=$rowch[5]; if($min != "None" and $min !="" and $min > $ed_prod_qty[$i]){ $new_qty=$min; $air[]="Quantity for ".$ed_prod_items[$i]." has been set to minimum quantity".$min."."; }else{ $new_qty=$ed_prod_qty[$i]; }//new qty is ok if($stat=="dealer" and $new_qty >= $lo_units and $lo_units!=0){ $newloprice=$dealer_lo; $setnewprice="yes"; $suc[]="New Quantity qualifies for Wholesale LOW Price."; }elseif($stat=="dealer"){ $newloprice=$dealer; $setnewprice="yes"; $suc[]="Wholesale Price."; }else{ $setnewprice="no"; } if($unit=="CS" and $cs>1){ $newloprice=$newloprice*$cs; } }//checked minimum mysql_select_db('ecosmar_inv', $dbcnx); if($unautoship[$i] != "0"){ $newedship=sprintf("%01.2f", $unautoship[$i]); if($setnewprice=="yes"){ $eddy=mysql_query("UPDATE q_products SET qty='$new_qty',price='$newloprice',shipprice='$newedship' WHERE QID='$QID' and item='$ed_prod_items[$i]'"); $reddy="QTY: ".$new_qty." - Price: ".$newloprice." - Shipping: ".$newedship."."; }else{ $eddy=mysql_query("UPDATE q_products SET qty='$new_qty',shipprice='$newedship' WHERE QID='$QID' and item='$ed_prod_items[$i]'"); $reddy="QTY: ".$new_qty." - Shipping: ".$newedship."."; }//go with new qty and ship only }else{ $eddy=mysql_query("UPDATE q_products SET qty='$new_qty' WHERE QID='$QID' and item='$ed_prod_items[$i]'"); $reddy="QTY: ".$new_qty."."; }//force ship is blank if(!$eddy){ $air[]="Could not Update ".$ed_prod_items[$i]."."; //echo mysql_error(); }else{ $suc[]="Updated ".$ed_prod_items[$i].": ".$reddy."."; }//eddied }//edder is in item array $i=$i+1; }//while counting eddies }//eds are in the array }//editproducts is yes /////////////////////////////////////////NEW PRODUCTS/////////////////////////////////////////////// $addproducts = $_POST['addproducts']; if($addproducts == "yes"){ $nogos[]="no"; $newprod_qty=$_POST[newprod_qty]; $newprod=$_POST[newprod]; if(!empty($newprod)){ ///create old array (products in already) mysql_select_db('ecosmar_inv', $dbcnx); $getins=mysql_query("SELECT item FROM q_products WHERE QID='$QID'"); if(!$getins){ $air[]="Could not justify product lists."; }else{ while($ins=mysql_fetch_array($getins)){ $oldprods[]=$ins[0]; }//while }//gotins $i=0; $countp = count($newprod); mysql_select_db('ecosmar_products', $dbcnx); while($i < $countp){ if(!in_array($newprod[$i],$oldprods)){ $getprices = mysql_query("SELECT sku,list,retail,special,dealer,dealer_lo,unit,lo_units,cs,min,description FROM price WHERE item='$newprod[$i]'"); if(!$getprices){ $air[]="Could not get price for".$newprod[$i]."."; }else{ $rowg=mysql_fetch_array($getprices); $skus[]=$rowg['sku']; $lists[]=$rowg['list']; $retails[]=$rowg['retail']; $specials[]=$rowg['special']; $dealers[]=$rowg['dealer']; $dealer_los[]=$rowg['dealer_lo']; $units[]=$rowg['unit']; $lo_unitss[]=$rowg['lo_units']; $css[]=$rowg['cs']; $mins[]=$rowg['min']; $descriptions[]=$rowg['description']; }//gotprices }//not in old array $i=$i+1; }//while counting new prods add to arrays mysql_select_db('ecosmar_inv', $dbcnx); $i=0; while($i < $countp){ if(!in_array($newprod[$i],$oldprods)){ if($stat == "dealer" and $newprod_qty[$i]>=$lo_unitss[$i] and ($lo_unitss[$i]*1)!=0){ $inprice = $dealer_los[$i]; $suc[]="Quantity qualifies for Wholesale Low Price."; }elseif($stat == "dealer"){ $inprice = $dealers[$i]; }else{ $inprice = $specials[$i]; } $new_qty=$newprod_qty[$i]; if($units[$i]=="CS" and $css[$i]>1){ $inprice=$inprice*$css[$i]; $unite=$units[$i].":".$css[$i]; }//units is cases else{ $unite=$units[$i]; } if($newprod[$i] !="" and $newprod_qty[$i] !=""){ $inny=mysql_query("INSERT INTO q_products SET QID='$QID',item='$newprod[$i]',description='$descriptions[$i]',qty='$new_qty',price='$inprice',unit='$unite'"); if(!$inny){ $air[]="Could not insert ".$newprod[$i]."."; }else{ $suc[]=$new_qty." ".$newprod[$i]." Added to Quote."; } }//newprod item and qty is not blank }//item is not already in old array else{ $air[]=$newprod[$i]." already in quote. Please edit Quantity instead."; }//item is in already $i=$i+1; }//while counting new prods insert into q_products }//newprods is not empty }///addproducts is yes /////END NEW PRODUCTS //////////////////////////////////////GET INFO FOR DISPLAY///////////////////////////////////////// mysql_select_db('ecosmar_inv', $dbcnx); $getquote = mysql_query("SELECT PO,Terms,started,due,printed,Project FROM quotes WHERE ID='$QID'"); if(!$getquote){ echo("Could not confirm Quote. Cannot continue."); //echo mysql_error(); exit(); }else{ $rowq = mysql_fetch_array($getquote); $PO = $rowq['PO']; $Terms = $rowq['Terms']; $started = $rowq['started']; $due = $rowq['due']; $printed = $rowq['printed']; $Project = $rowq['Project']; }//gotquote if($Terms==""){ $termsbg="yellow"; }else{ $termsbg="white"; } }///QID is present ?>
QUOTE MARK-UP PAGE    Create & Edit Quote. ¦ "); foreach($air as $value){ echo("$value ¦ "); } echo("

"); }//air is not empty if(!empty($suc)){ $suc=array_unique($suc); echo("

¦ "); foreach($suc as $value){ echo("$value ¦ "); } echo("

"); }//suc is not empty else{ ////////////////////////////////Write instructional lines here. echo("

Please read ?HELP for important information about using the Quote System.
Look for process reports here.

"); } ?>
" . " Return to: " . "" . "
Keep Quote" . " Delete Quote " . " " . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . ""); }//usr is blank or usr is usrn else{ echo("[ QUOTE LIST ]  " . "[ ADMINISTRATION ]"); } ?>
 QUOTE NOTES     Click for Help HELP
My Page

Eco-$mart, Inc.
4411 Bee Ridge Road #344
Sarasota, FL 34233
PH. 888-329-2705   FX: 941-377-9460

Date Quote No.
Click for Help Edit Quote Information
Edit Ship To:, PO, Terms, Due Date, and Project. Then click UPDATE INFO. See help for more details.
" . "" . "" . "" . "
Bill To: Click for Help Ship To:   Same as Bill To
"); } if($Company != ""){ echo("$Company
"); } echo("$Address
$City, $State  $ZipCode" . "
$con_email"); ?>
"); echo("
City:" . "
State:" . ""); ///////////////////////////////////////new state input if($shipZipCode !=""){ $zipstyle="background-color:white;border:solid gray 1;"; }else{ $zipstyle="background-color:yellow;border:solid 1 maroon;"; $nogos[]="no"; } echo("   Zip:
"); }//QID is not blank else{ echo(""); echo("" . "" . "" . "" . "
City:" . "
State:" . ""); ///////////////////////////////////////new state input echo("   Zip:
"); }//QID is blank ?>
P.O. Number Terms Due Date Project

Could not get Quote products. Cannot Continue.

"); //echo mysql_error(); exit(); }else{ $prodrows = mysql_num_rows($getqprods); if($prodrows > 0){ $prodsin = $prodrows; while($prods = mysql_fetch_array($getqprods)){ if($prods['shipprice']=="" or $prods['shipprice']==99999.99 or $prods['shipprice']<1){ $mount = $prods['price']*$prods['qty']; }//shipping has not been set don't include in price elseif($prods['unit']!="EA" and $prods['unit']!="CS" and $prods['unit']!="GL"){ $mount = ($prods['price']*$prods['qty'])+$prods['shipprice']; }else{ $mount = ($prods['price']+$prods['shipprice'])*$prods['qty']; }//shipping has been set $amount = sprintf("%01.2f", $mount); $car=$prods['shipcar']; $con=$prods['shipcon']; $connet=explode(":",$con); $counnet=count($connet); if($counnet>1){ $shipconf=$connet[0].":".$connet[1]; }else{ $shipconf=""; } if($prods['shipprice']==99999.99){ $eddercheck="CHECKED"; }else{ $eddercheck=""; } echo(""); $addem[]=$mount; }//while listing products in Q }//there are products listed else{ $nogos[]="no"; $prodsin=""; echo(""); }//no products listed }//gotq_products if($prodsin!=""){ ///////////////////display subtotals n info for quote if(empty($nogos)){ $shiptotcolor="black"; }//nogos is empty ready to go else{ $shiptotcolor="gray"; } $chexip = substr($shipZipCode, 0, 2); if($chexip == "32" or $chexip == "33" or $chexip == "34"){ $taxon="yes"; }else{ $taxon="no"; } $shiptot=array_sum($shipamounts); $shiptotal=sprintf("%01.2f", $shiptot); $subtot=array_sum($addem); $subtotal=sprintf("%01.2f", $subtot); $fulltot=$subtot; $fulltotal=sprintf("%01.2f", $fulltot); $taxi=$fulltot*$taxit; $taxtotal=sprintf("%01.2f", $taxi); if($taxon=="yes"){ $alltot=$fulltot+$shiptot+$taxi; }else{ $alltot=$fulltot+$shiptot; } $alltotal=sprintf("%01.2f", $alltot); echo("
Click for Help  Edit Products In Quote Displaying Prices   [ ADD PRODUCTS ]
Check a box to the left of the product to Delete or Edit. Change data in available fields. Then click UPDATE PRODUCTS. See help for more details.
EDIT Item Description QTY Price Per Ship Per Unit Amount
" . "" . " DEL   Edit" . "
 " . " ". "
 $prods[0]" . " $prods[1]" . " " . " $prods[3]"); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////ship out if($prods[4] !="" and $prods[4] > 0 and $prods[4]!=99999.99){ $prodamount[]=$prods[4]; $shipamounts[]=$prods[4]*$prods[2]; if($shipconf!=""){ $shipdisplay="
".$shipconf; }else{ $shipdisplay=""; } echo("
 $prods[4] $car" . "$shipdisplay" . "
" . ""); }elseif($prods['shipprice']==99999.99){ $nogos[]="no"; echo("
 "); }else{ $nogos[]="no"; if($shipZipCode !=""){ echo("" . "" . " GET"); }//shipZip is not empty else{ echo("" . "" . " No Ship To Zip"); } }//default to get shipping ///////////////////////////////////end ship out echo(" $prods[7]" . " \$$amount" . "
No Products In Quote.
" . "" . ""); if($taxon=="yes"){ echo("
Total Shipping:" . "\$$shiptotal" . "Subtotal:" . "\$$fulltotal" . "
" . "Sales Tax ($taxit):" . "" . "\$$taxtotal" . "
" . "TOTAL QUOTE:" . "" . "\$$alltotal" . "
"); }else{ echo("
" . "TOTAL QUOTE:" . "" . "\$$alltotal" . "
"); } echo("" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "A box must be checked to update a row.
" . "" . "
"); ///////////totals for prodsin, subtotal,tax info }//prodsin is not blank else{ echo(""); } ////////////////////////////////////getting items to populate selections///////////////////// mysql_select_db('ecosmar_products', $dbcnx); $getcats=mysql_query("SELECT ID,cat_name,item_start,catpage FROM cats ORDER BY item_start"); if(!$getcats){ echo("

Could not get categories for list. Cannot continue.

"); //echo mysql_error(); exit(); }else{ while($row=mysql_fetch_array($getcats)){ $catnames[]=strtoupper($row[1]); $catitemstarts[]=$row[2]; $catpages[]=$row[3]; }//while fetching cats }//gotcats $countcats=count($catnames); $i=0; while($i < $countcats){ $getitems = mysql_query("SELECT item,$stat,unit,cs,min,description FROM price WHERE item LIKE '$catitemstarts[$i]%' ORDER BY item"); if(!$getitems){ echo("

Could not get $value items for list. Cannot continue.

"); //echo mysql_error(); exit(); }else{ $a=0; while($prow = mysql_fetch_array($getitems)){ $proditem=$prow[0]; $prodprice=$prow[1]; $produnit=$prow[2]; $prodcs=$prow[3]; if($prodcs!="" and $prodcs!=0 and $prodcs!="None" and $prodcs!="none" and $prodcs>1){ $prodful=$produnit."(".$prodcs.")"; }else{ $prodful=$produnit; } $prodmin=$prow[4]; $proddescript=$prow[5]; //check to see if it should be displayed $chktrash= $prow[0]{0}; if($chktrash=="9"){ $skip="on";//dummy }else{ if($prow[1] != "0.00" and $prow[1] !="" and $prow[1] > 0){ $a=$a+1; if($a==1){ $lines[]=""; $lines[]=""; $lines[]=""; } $lines[]=""; }//if stat price is there and more than zero }//skip is not on }//while getting items }//got items $i=$i+1; }//while counting cats ?>
Click for Help  Add Products to Quote Displaying Prices
Select a product and enter a quantity. Then click ADD PRODUCTS. Products will be added to the Products in Quote list above. See help for more details.
  Quantity   Product
Quantity must be entered or product will not be added.

Click for Help
" . "Return to:
" . "" . " " . "

Keep Quote" . " Delete Quote " . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . ""); }//usr is blank or usr is usrn else{ echo("[ QUOTE LIST ]  " . "[ ADMINISTRATION ]"); } ?>

Duplicate this Quote for another Contact

Go to the Eco-$mart Catalog section:

©2010 Eco-$mart, Inc.

" . "" . "
" . "
READY TO PRINT" . "  " . "  " . " " . "Don’t show Contact Name on Quote." . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "
"); }else{ echo("
" . "" . "
"); } ?>