Please select the level of this Referrer’s Fee.
1% of sale: This level is for Referrers outside the Eco-$mart Organization. It includes organizations and individuals who directly refer customers to Eco-$mart and websites that link to Eco-$mart as part of the Referring Partner Program. These referrers will receive an ID Number to use to claim referral fees.
10% of profit: This level is reserved for Referrers within the Eco-$mart Organization. These Referrers will register potential customers and be paid a percentage of when purchases are made.
Flat Fee: This level is reserved for Referrers of all products. These Referrers refer potential customers to our website and are paid a flat fee when purchases are made.
Product Specific Flat Fee: This level is reserved for Referrers of specific products. These Referrers refer potential customers to our website where an ID code is required and are paid when a purchase of the specified product is made.
Select a Product:
mysql_select_db('ecosmar_contacts', $dbcnx);
$getproducts = mysql_query("SELECT name,TRI,rate FROM refprod ORDER BY name");
echo(" Could not retrieve Referrer Product list. Error:".mysql_error()."");
echo(" ");
}//got products
if($trakok == "ok"){
echo(" " .
" Request Web Tracker.");