<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" . "
Sorry, you must Log In to view this Page

"); exit(); } $usrn = $_GET['usrn']; if($usrn == ""){ $usrn = $_POST['usrn']; } if($usrn == ""){ echo("

<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" . "
Problem with your username. Please Log In again.

"); exit(); } $ID = $_GET['ID']; $dbcnx = @mysql_connect('mysql.plainhost.com', 'ecosmar_ecosmart', 'ecoman1'); mysql_select_db('ecosmar_contacts', $dbcnx); $listem = @mysql_query("SELECT ID,first_Name,Name,Title,Company,biztype,Phone,Address,FAX,City,email,mkt,State,Country,ZipCode,Link,dtnum,usrn,usremail,referred_by FROM con_main WHERE ID='$ID'"); if (!$listem) { echo('

Error retrieving Contact Information.
' . 'Error: '. mysql_error(). '

'); } $row = mysql_fetch_array($listem); $ID = $row['ID']; $first_Name = $row['first_Name']; $Name = $row['Name']; $Title = $row['Title']; $Company = $row['Company']; $biztype = $row['biztype']; $Phone = $row['Phone']; $Address = $row['Address']; $FAX = $row['FAX']; $City = $row['City']; $email = $row['email']; $mkt = $row['mkt']; $State = $row['State']; $Country = $row['Country']; $ZipCode = $row['ZipCode']; $Link = $row['Link']; $linkcheck = explode('.', $Link); $lcount = count($linkcheck); if($lcount < 1){ $trakok = "no"; }elseif($lcount == 2){ $trakok = "ok"; }elseif($lcount == 3){ $Link = $linkcheck[1].".".$linkcheck[2]; $trakok = "ok"; }elseif($lcount > 3){ $trakok = "no"; } $repusrn = $row['usrn']; $usremail = $row['usremail']; $referred_by = $row['referred_by']; ?>
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NOTE: Referrer Status is solely for the payment of referral fees TO THIS CONTACT.

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First Name:    Last Name: 






Please select the level of this Referrer’s Fee.

 1% of sale: This level is for Referrers outside the Eco-$mart Organization. It includes organizations and individuals who directly refer customers to Eco-$mart and websites that link to Eco-$mart as part of the Referring Partner Program. These referrers will receive an ID Number to use to claim referral fees.

 10% of profit: This level is reserved for Referrers within the Eco-$mart Organization. These Referrers will register potential customers and be paid a percentage of when purchases are made.

 Flat Fee: This level is reserved for Referrers of all products. These Referrers refer potential customers to our website and are paid a flat fee when purchases are made.

 Product Specific Flat Fee: This level is reserved for Referrers of specific products. These Referrers refer potential customers to our website where an ID code is required and are paid when a purchase of the specified product is made.
Select a Product: Could not retrieve Referrer Product list. Error:".mysql_error().""); }else{ echo("
       "); }//got products if($trakok == "ok"){ echo("

" . " Request Web Tracker."); } ?>

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