<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" . "
Sorry, you must Log In to view this Page

"); exit(); } $usrn = $_GET['usrn']; if($usrn == ""){ $usrn = $_POST['usrn']; } if($usrn == ""){ echo("

<<<<Restricted Area>>>>" . "
Problem with your username. Please Log In again.

"); exit(); } $dtnum = date(Ymd); $today = date("F j, Y"); $subject = $_POST['subject']; if($subject == ""){ echo("

Missing a Subject.
Please go back and correct.

"); exit(); } $greeting = $_POST['greeting']; $message = $_POST['message']; if($message == ""){ echo("

No Message.
Please go back and correct.

"); exit(); } $out = array("\"","\'"); $in = array(""","’"); $mess = str_replace($out, $in, $message); $messo = nl2br($mess); $link_ex = $_POST['link_ex']; $link = $_POST['link']; $closing = $_POST['closing']; $nlist = $_POST['nlist']; $namo = explode("\r\n", $nlist); $namcount = count($namo); if($namcount < 1){ echo("

No Name List.
Please go back and correct."); exit(); } $elist = $_POST['elist']; $emo = explode("\r\n", $elist); $emcount = count($emo); if($emcount < 1){ echo("

No Address List.
Please go back and correct."); exit(); } if($namcount != $emcount){ echo("

Name List does not match Email List.
Please go back and correct."); exit(); } $dbcnx = @mysql_connect('mysql.plainhost.com', 'ecosmar_ecosmart', 'ecoman1'); mysql_select_db('ecosmar_contacts', $dbcnx); $oot = mysql_query("SELECT address FROM em_out"); if(!$oot){ echo("

Could not check out list.

"); }else{ while($row = mysql_fetch_array($oot)){ $em_out[] = $row['address']; } } mysql_select_db('ecosmar_friendly', $dbcnx); $checkit = mysql_query("SELECT ID from ml_temp WHERE subject='$subject'"); if(!$checkit){ echo("

Could not check for message status".mysql_error()."

"); }else{ $numrows = mysql_num_rows($checkit); $new = mysql_fetch_array($checkit); $oldMID = $new['ID']; } if($numrows < 1){ $setit = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ml_temp SET subject='$subject',greeting='$greeting',message='$mess',link_ex='$link_ex',link='$link',closing='$closing',dtnum='$dtnum'"); if(!$setit){ echo("

Email message not saved.

"); } $query = mysql_query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"); mysql_query( $query ); $MID = mysql_insert_id(); }else{ $MID = $oldMID; $setup = mysql_query("UPDATE ml_temp SET subject='$subject',greeting='$greeting',message='$mess',link_ex='$link_ex',link='$link',closing='$closing',dtnum='$dtnum' WHERE subject='$subject'"); if(!$setup){ echo("

Email message not updated.

"); } } $nono = 0; $c = 0; while($c < $namcount){ $namcut = explode(' ', $namo[$c]); $blammo = count($namcut); if($blammo < 2){ $nono = 1; }elseif($blammo == 3){ $nam = $namcut[0]." ".$namcut[2]; }elseif($blammo == 4){ $nam = $namcut[0]." ".$namcut[3]; }else{ $nam = $namo[$c]; } if($nono != 1 and $emo[$c] != ""){ if(!in_array($emo[$c], $em_out)){ $lista[] = $nam." ".$emo[$c]; } } $c = $c + 1; } $listcount = count($lista); if($listcount > 30){ $warn = 'on'; $tonot = "Too many recipients.
TO list has been shortened to the first 30.

"; $listleft = array_slice($lista, 30); $lista = array_slice($lista, 0, 30); } ?>
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Eco-$mart Mail-room
Email from Non-Contact List

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From: Eco-$mart, Inc. <info@eco-smart.com>
Greeting:  Recipient’s Name,
Link Comment:
Link URL:
Closing: ,
  Matt Ross, President
Eco-$mart, Inc.
"); } foreach($lista as $value){ $listb = explode(' ', $value); echo("$listb[0] $listb[1]
"); } ?>


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